Monday, December 12, 2005
QUESTION: Cllr. Therese Ridge
"To ask the Manager to report on the proposed Park and Ride services for this County?"
Park & Ride (P&R) services in the South Dublin County area can be considered under three headings:
1. Rail-based P&R facilities are presently available at the Red Cow LUAS stop. These were provided as part of the LRT contract works and are in the control of the RPA. Access to the site is restricted by the present road layout, particularly from the Clondalkin area, and this accounts for the limited use currently being experienced. This situation will be rectified on completion of the M50 upgrade works at Red Cow, including the provision of the Grade Separated Access linking Monastery Road to the Park & Ride site. Additional rail-based P&R facilities will be provided at the Tallaght LUAS terminus as part of mixed development which is currently under construction.
2. While bus-based P&R is presently limited to a small site provided on Grange Road in conjunction with the Rathfarnham QBC scheme, proposals are currently in development to provide bus-based P& R at locations off the N4 and N7 radial routes. Initial survey-work has been completed and preliminary designs are in development. Both sites will allow for up to 1000+ car spaces, with a possible option to develop a 500-space site as a first phase in the case of the N7. The sites are designed to serve the City Centre, and applications have been made to the Department of Transport for the necessary bus-licences which it is proposed wiill be offered as a franchise by way of public tender. Both sites will require an EIS, and work on these is being progressed. An economic feasibility study has been completed, and a full business case study will be undertaken as part of the EIS process. Discussions are ongoing with the Department of Transport to identify funding for the project.
3. As part of this year's Operation Freeflow programme, bus-based P&R facilities will be provided at the Spawell complex, off the N81. This will commence on 6th December and is being organised by Dublin Bus and the Spawell management, and SDCC will be supporting the initiative by providing directional signs for approaching drivers. The permanent VMS (variable message signs) on the M50 will also be utilised. Further details are available on