Monday, September 12, 2011
It is proposed to construct a park depot in Griffeen Valley Park. The proposal arises from the proposed disposal of the existing park depot, located at Esker Lodge, Esker Lane, Lucan, to the Department of Education who sought the Council’s assistance in the provision of a site for the construction of a primary school in the Esker area. The proposal is to provide a replacement park depot in the Griffeen Valley Park Regional Park with access from Hayden’s Lane south of the Rail Lines in accordance with plans and particulars as indicated on Drawing No. 10011-P8-002. The proposal will include the following:- 1) Construction of a park depot building of approximately 450m2 which will include staff welfare facilities (changing and lockers, toilets/showers & canteen), office. 2) Construction of a machinery/vehicle storage building of approximately 870m2 incorporating craftsman workshop of approximately 240m2. 3) Construction of staff car parking, bunded diesel fuel tank, material storage bays, external storage area, vehicle wash bay, safe circulation area and landscaping and boundary treatment. 4) Widening of existing access from the proposed facility onto Hayden’s Lane, as indicated on Site Location Drawing No. 10011/010. Provision of services including water, biocycle/septic tank, utilities and telecoms. All on a site of approximately 2 acres (8,000m2) as indicated on Site Location Drawing No. 10011-P8-001. The proposed works were first put on public display from 16th May to 27th June 2011 and 7 submissions were received during the submission period. In order to avoid lack of certainty in relation to final dates for receipt of submissions, the proposal was readvertised from 14th June to 25th August 2011. While there were no new submissions received, three parties who had made submissions under the first advertising made further submissions. Details of all the submissions and Council Responses are as follows:
Gretta Hannigan, Senior Fisheries Environmental Officer, Inland Fisheries Ireland
No objection in principle to the development however design detail on the foul effluent treatment facility incl. emission values and location of the final discharge are missing.
Surface run off will be attenuated and most kept on site for recycling use. Additional runoff will be dealt with in combination of reed-bed and new wetland to be established as part of project. Scheme also contains petrol/oil interceptor trap and cleaning filters for grey-water storage tank. Details shall be agreed with Inland Fisheries Ireland before works commence on site.
Drainage arrangements for the vehicle wash bay are required.
See comment above.
Beverley Power, Chairperson Concerned Residents of The Grange Lucan, c/o Lock Cottage, The Grange, Lucan. | Response |
Traffic: No information of how the 40 staff cars will access the depot. There are 2 options which present difficulties. 1. Southward via Canal – Substandard lane width (no footpaths). – Increased conflict by additional vehicles (especially HGV) movements at the 12th Lock Bridge. – Accident history of the unfenced section of the canal bank. – Damage to canal embankment by additional vehicles (especially HGVs) 2. Northwards via newly constructed section of Haydens Lane: – Substandard lane width (no footpaths) on Haydens Lane where it has a shared surface with pedestrians and cyclists. Road Safety Audit should be undertaken | The southward route is not considered to present significant problems in terms of access to the site and was in use on a regular basis up to recent years when the green waste recycling facility was in operation in the park. The northward route is not considered to present significant problems and has been specifically designed to cater for vehicle access to Haydens Lane. It is not considered necessary to undertake a Road Safety Audit and there are no current proposals to do so. |
Part 8 has already been advertised by public notice in June 2006 for this site which is more in keeping with the amenity of the area. | The Part 8 which was approved for this area at the Council Meeting on 10th July 2006 indicated a ‘Park and Green Routes and Related Services Building’ for the proposed depot location (map). The current proposal is in keeping with the previously approved Part 8. |
Proposal should be re-evaluated to consider a site beside existing Parks depot on Lynches Lane which has vehicle access to roundabout on Outer Ring Road. | The current depot on Lynches lane is located on the Kishoge Grange lands which are zoned for development in the Local Area Plan. It would not be feasible to construct a depot facility on lands which will not be available in the long term. |
Second Submission 8th Sept 2011 | |
Consider relocating Haydens Lane surface water sewer in the parklands on the eastern side of Haydens Lane and connect to the river on the downstream side of the Griffeen River Bridge. | An examination of this alternative route will be undertaken to determine the most optimum route for the Surface water sewer. |
The surrounding 2.4 meter high wall will have a negative effect on the amenity of the area. | The wall is necessary to provide screening and security for the depot. The wall will be planted up with climbers to reduce any negative effect it may have on the surrounding area. |
Security lighting throughout the hours of darkness would create serious light pollution adjacent to the proposed Natural Heritage Area (pNHA) | Any proposals to use security lighting will be cognisant of the pNHA and will be subject to consideration by the Councils Heritage Officer. |
John & Beverley Power, Lock Cottage, The Grange, Lucan | Response |
Traffic: No information of how the 40 staff cars will access the depot. There are 2 options which present difficulties. 1. Southward via Canal – Substandard lane width (no footpaths). – Increased conflict by additional vehicles (especially HGV) movements at the 12th Lock Bridge. – Accident history of the unfenced section of the canal bank. – Damage to canal embankment by additional vehicles (especially HGVs) 2. Northwards via newly constructed section of Haydens Lane: – Substandard lane width (no footpaths) on Haydens Lane where it has a shared surface with pedestrians and cyclists. Road Safety Audit should be undertaken | The southward route is not considered to present significant problems in terms of access to the site and was in use on a regular basis up to recent years when the green waste recycling facility was in operation in the park. The northward route is not considered to present significant problems and has been specifically designed to cater for vehicle access to Haydens Lane. It is not considered necessary to undertake a Road Safety Audit and there are no current proposals to do so. |
Part 8 has already been advertised by public notice in June 2006 for this site which is more in keeping with the amenity of the area. | The Part 8 which was approved for this area at the Council Meeting on 10th July 2006 indicated a ‘Park and Green Routes and Related Services Building’ for the proposed depot location (map). The current proposal is in keeping with the previously approved Part 8. |
Proposal should be re-evaluated to consider a site beside existing Parks depot on Lunches Lane which has vehicle access to roundabout on Outer Ring Road. | The current depot on Lynches Lane is located on the Kishoge Grange lands which are zoned for development in the Local Area Plan. It would not be feasible to construct a depot facility on lands which will not be available in the long term. |
Attracta Uí Bhroin, Finnstown Input Group c/o 17 Finnspark, Finnstown Cloisters, Lucan | Response |
Proposed depot would compromise this wilderness area and have an irreversible and completely compromising impact on creating a meaningful biodiversity corridor from the Grand Canal pNHA to the County Boundary. | The site of the proposed depot is less than 1 hectare in size. The overall size of the park in which it is proposed to be located is 18.8 hectares. The proposed depot will occupy 4% of the park area. The size of the depot is not considered to have a significant impact on the overall biodiversity of the park and is likely to increase biodiversity with the introduction of a constructed wetland type arrangement to treat wastewater. |
Proposal is in conflict with Councils Development Plan proposal to develop a linear Griffeen Valley Park, including a biodiversity corridor. Depot would have a negative impact on the value of the proposed biodiversity corridor. | See comment above. |
Reconsider the location and pursue a brownfield site rather than this unspoilt green site. | It is the Policy of Council to locate its park maintenance buildings in the Regional Parks of the County. |
Insufficient detail available upon which the Council could substantiate a determination that it is consistent with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. | A Part 8 was approved for this area at the Council Meeting on 10th July 2006 indicated a ‘Park and Green Routes and Related Services Building’ for the proposed depot location (map). The current proposal is in keeping with the previously approved Part 8. |
Project is subject to EIA. | The proposed parks depot development is not a form of prescribed development for the purpose of Section 176 of the Planning and Development Act 2000-2010 (i.e. it is not a class of development requiring and Environmental Impact Assessment). |
The advisement for this proposal did not highlight the proximity to the pNHA of the Grand Canal. | The site notice complies fully with the Act; the site location is clearly shown on the drawings. |
Were all prescribed bodies appropriately notified. | Following a review of the statutory legislation it was considered that no relevant bodies required notification, nevertheless the Council has liaised with Inland Fisheries Ireland and will continue to do so as indicated above. |
No details in relation to the impact of protected species have been provided for the consultation. Concern regarding a number of species protected by Annex IV of the Habitats Directive in this area. Concern about lack of impact assessment and lack of adherence to a number of legislative requirements in this regard. | The Council is aware of the presence of several protected species arising from flora and fauna studies which have recently been completed in relation to other developments in this area. Measures to mitigate any potential impact on protected species will be taken as part of the delivery of the project. |
Insufficient information about the management of hydrocarbons and the threat presented to adjacent water courses and ground water contamination, and given the presence of livestock adjacent to the site. | Surface run off will be attenuated and most kept on site for recycling use. Additional runoff will be dealt with in combination of reed-bed and new wetland to be established as part of project. Scheme also contains petrol/oil interceptor trap and cleaning filters for grey-water storage tank. Details shall be agreed with Inland Fisheries Ireland before works commence on site. |
No assessment or detail on the management of the flood impacts given the land floods regularly. | The site levels will be agreed with Environment Dept. of the Council to avoid possible flooding of the facility itself. The Environment Dept are satisfied that the building footprint is too small to worsen flooding risk in Lucan. A strategy of attenuation and permeable paving will be developed in accordance with engineering requirements during the tender phase of the project |
Justin Byrne, Lucan Planning Council c/o 17 Finnspark, Finnstown Cloisters, Lucan. | Response |
Site is unsuitable as land is part of the flood plain of the Griffeen River. | The site levels will be agreed with Environment Dept. of the Council to avoid possible flooding of the facility itself. The Environment Dept are satisfied that the building footprint is too small to worsen flooding risk in Lucan. A strategy of attenuation and permeable paving will be developed in accordance with engineering requirements during the tender phase of the project |
The loss of 2 acres of flood containment will have serious impact downriver on housing estates, parks and Lucan Village. | See comment above. |
Proposed biocycle/septic tank and materials storage on this land will also have implications for the runoff water in the event of the area becoming flooded. | See comment above. |
Second Submission 8th Sept 2011 | |
The advertisement for the development does not state that this is in proximity to a pNHA. | The advertisement complies fully with the Act; the site location is clearly shown on the drawings. |
The process followed by the Council is confusing and does not meet the conditions and rules for a normal development. | The public consultation process is a prescribed process and was undertaken in accordance with the Planning & Development Act 2000 and Part 8 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2009. |
Notice to the Council of the presence of several species which are protected under Irish and European Law | The Council is aware of the presence of several protected species arising from flora and fauna studies which have recently been completed in relation to other developments in this area. Measures to mitigate any potential impact on protected species will be taken as part of the delivery of the project. |
The details for this development are not available on the Councils website. | The details of the proposed development were made available on the Councils website for the period as required by the Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2001 under the public notices section. |
Pádraig MacOitir, South Dublin Conservation Society | Response |
Proposed location contravenes Zoning Objective F in the 2010-2016 County Development Plan. | The proposed depot is a public service facility to be used in the pursuance of the functions of the Parks Department. It is a permissible development and as such does not contravene the Zoning Objective. |
Existing Depot at Grange Nurseries could be renovated & expanded. | The current depot on Lynches Lane is located on the Kishoge Grange lands which are zoned for development in the Local Area Plan. It would not be feasible to construct a depot facility on lands which will not be available in the long term. |
James Leonard, Chartered Town Planner/Project Manager, Castlethorn Construction | Response |
Proposed that an alternative site (immediately west of the Haydens Lane footbridge on the south site of the Adamstown Link Road) in Castlethorns ownership be considered as an alternative location for the Parks Depot. | The alternative site is not in Council ownership and to advance a proposal through the planning process would delay the project to such an extent that it may no longer be viable. In the event that the land was transferred to the Council this would require a new Part 8 process to be initiated again giving rise to unacceptable delays. |
The Zoning Objective F does not permit ‘Light Industry’ (the proposed metal workshop) or ‘Transport Depot’ (the proposed vehicle store). | The proposed depot is a public service facility to be used in the pursuance of the functions of the Parks Department. It is a permissible development and as such does not contravene the Zoning Objective. |
An Appropriate Assessment screening has been undertaken for the site and the screening report finds that the proposed development does not require further Appropriate Assessment.
Following consideration of the submission, the Council is of the view that the issues raised by way of submission can be satisfactorily addressed.
It is therefore recommended that, as the proposal is in conformity with proper planning and sustainable development, the Council approve the proposal for the construction of a park depot, ancillary services and utilities at the Griffeen Valley Park, Haydens Lane, Lucan, South of the Railway Line.
It is recommended that this Headed Item be approved.