Monday, September 12, 2011
QUESTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
To ask the Manager for a Report on the work of the County Childcare Committee and if he will provide information on activities/projects in which the Committee is involved in different parts of the County?
Role of the South Dublin County Childcare Committee
South Dublin County Childcare Committee is a legal entity which is responsible for the administration of a number of schemes on behalf of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. While a legal entity on its own, its Budget is controlled by the Department and is therefore wholly dependent on the Department for its existence.
The activities of the CCC are overseen by the Coordinator, Jean Courtney, who reports to the Board of Management. The current Chairperson of the Board is Maria Donohoe, Children’s Services Coordinator at SDCC. Oversight of the management of the operational and financial management of the company is the responsibility of Pobal.
The County Childcare Committee has a very specific body of work to deliver:
1. Effectively and efficiently implement DCYA funded schemes and Grants in South Dublin County
2. Facilitate and coordinate the local development of quality childcare services, promoting their sustainability and extending the capacity of the Sector in South Dublin.
3. Support the enhancement of quality in early childhood care and education and school-age provision in South Dublin County and support on-going professional development of the local workforce.
4. Participate in relevant structures towards ensuring effective collaboration, communication and consultation by stakeholders on early childhood education and care and school age agenda.
Synopsis of Work:
Over the past six months the South Dublin CCC team has made good progress in the delivery of its 2011 Local Implementation Plan.
Ø 260 services in South Dublin have been visited by the Development workers and an audit of needs of all providers undertaken
Ø 218 applications from providers for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) scheme processed for the Department
Ø 50 applications for Childcare Education and Training Support (CETS) processed for the Department
Ø 22 applications for Parent and Toddler grants have been received and approved
Ø Funding for FETAC accredited courses in Childcare has been provided with training being both co-funded and delivered by the Co Dublin VEC. Fetac 5 commenced in February with IPPA and May in County Dublin VEC centre in, Tallaght with 16 participants on both courses
Ø 4 Accredited Training courses have been provided directly; Financial management and sustainability; Promotion and development of service; Corporate governance & employment law; HR and Employment polices and procedures; Information packs and attendance certificates were provided for each workshop.
Ø A Training guide for all childcare providers, detailing lists of courses and providers has been published.
Ø Networks/workshops have been held on a monthly basis, tailored to the needs of the network group with emphasis on peer support and sharing information.
Ø Staff at SDCCC currently support 16 provider/staff networks
Ø Issues identified in the audit included the need for support in relation to Children with Special Needs and Speech and Language difficulties. SDCCC has worked closely with Cheeverstown and Down Syndrome Ireland to provide information at networks based on requests from our services.
Ø 30 network/workshops have been held in total with participation of 218 childcare practitioners.
Ø An audit of 61 Community Childcare Facilities has been completed and issues of sustainability and support for voluntary Boards of Management being currently examined.
Ø SDCCC represented on County wide structures including the County Development Board (CDB), RAPID/Social Inclusion Measures group (SIM), and the Children’s Services Committee (CSC). Collaboration with CPLN Partnership & Dodder Valley Partnership, Partas and Tallaght West CDI is also a feature of the work
We have also for the first time engaged with Enterprise Ireland, Co. Dublin VEC and County Enterprise Board to utilize existing resource where needed.
Ø 7 publications has been completed this year to date to include “Childcare how much” which has been translated into French, Irish, Mandarin and Polish
Ø Working in collaboration with adjoining County Childcare Committees, SDCCC has engaged in the development and forthcoming delivery of a Fetac 5 Module on Equality and Diversity Training for Childcare Providers 01 4570122