south dublin county council crest


Monday, July 11, 2011



(circulated herewith)


The following report was presented to the Special Env SPC meeting dated 20th June 2011

Report on Draft Replacement Litter Management Plan 2011 – 2014

The overall aim of the Litter Management Plan is to make South Dublin County a litter free County with the support, co-operation and involvement of the local authority, businesses, schools, communities and individuals.

The proposed Draft Replacement Litter Management Plan 2011 – 2014 as attached outlines the following:

Public Notification:

A notice in accordance with the Litter Pollution Acts 1997 as amended was published in the Echo newspaper on  12th May 2010.

The Draft Replacement Litter Management Plan 2011 – 2014and particulars of the draft plan were placed on public display at County Hall, Tallaght and the Civic Offices, Clondalkin, and on the Council’s website between 18th May 2011 and 10th June 2011. 

Public consultations were also carried out between 16th – 26th May in: The Square S.C,; Rathfarnham S.C.; Knocklyon S.C.; Citywest S. C. ; Lucan – Superquinn; Liffey Valley S.C.; Mill Centre – Clondalkin and the Local Policing Forum. In addition local Community Groups, Residents, Schools & Libraries were contacted. The Draft Replacement Litter Management Plan 2011 – 2014call for submissions was also broadcast on local radio.

The closing date for receipt of submissions was 9th June 2011 


Twenty Nine submissions were received before the deadline for submissions.    The issues raised in these submission are summarised below together with the Managers response in each case:

  Name Summary Recommendation
1 Anne Cahill         Providing litter bins at pivotal points – particularly raised schools and bus stop   ·        Addressed in objective 4 -  Identify pathways towards eliminating causes and adjusting litter bin locations
2 Ronan Connolly                                                     Prevention 1.         recycling & refuse bins at specific locations 2.         frequent emptying of bins 3.         additional resources 4.         CCTV 5.         Businesses to maintain area adjoining their premises 6.         Provision of dog litter disposal facilities & increase signage 7.         Provision of dog walking area within public parks 8.         regular cleansing 9.         no displaying or selling any goods/services on footpaths 10.     Graffiti removal and prevention 11.     Weekly residential “Green Bin collection Awareness 1.      signage promoting anti-litter awareness 2.      anti-litter campaign in local schools, clubs & businesses 3.      Promote recycling of materials in local schools, clubs & businesses. 4.      Promotion of a Clondalkin area community clean up, liaising with residents associations, businesses, chambers, schools and club 5.      Awareness on Graffiti in community via newsletters, news media and Internet campaigns   ·        Addressed in objectives 1 - 12 ·        waste in bins are empty are per schedule which is guided by volume of waste.     ·        Point 7: Parks Department to pilot a dog runs in Griffeen Valley Park                              
3 Valerie Ennis                             1.      signage/warning in suburban area’s regarding fines for littering 2.      brand existing litter bins with fine warnings 3.      replace existing Dog Fouling warning/signage 4.      Bussiness´s need to be warned they cannot put up advertisments on hoardings . 5.      Anti-graffiti workshops for community groups 6.      redeploy staff to Foxborough  lucan 7.      Use Facebook for awareness campaigns 8.      Awareness campaign to ensure people keep they´re bins secure and gardens litter free 9.      Keep the Clondalkin Recycling Initiative going 10.  one free trip to the dump each year   Addressed in objectives 1, 3, 8 10 & 12                          
4 Aine McKinlay       1.      street cleaning rota be sent to residents associations 2.      Litter fines be imposed. 3.      Street cleaning be more regular. 4.      litter be picking before grass cutting Addressed in objectives 1, 3, 6, 7 & 10    
5 Mick Murphy and the Dublin South West Socialist Party Branch           1.      Resource the Cleansing Unit 2.      Resource local volunteers with grants for equipment and help dumping the waste 3.      Council staff to actively intervene into estates that do not have a history of cleaning-up 4.      Skip bags should be paid for before being issues. There needs to be a bye-law on this.     Addressed in objectives 3, 4, 8 Point 4: waste byelaws will be reviewed
6 Cllr William Lavelle                                                                                             section 5 ‘Implementation Strategy’: Objective 1 Under bullet point 2 consider adding: “Operational plans will be prepared in consultation with the elected members for the area and brought before the relevant Area Committee for noting.” Objective 4              Consider adding a new bullet point: ·                                 “An annual litter bin installation and replacement programme will be prepared in consultation with the elected members for the area and brought before the relevant Area Committee for noting. Priority will be given to the installation of litter bins in the environs of commercial centres, shops and schools.” The council should also consider how Dublin Bus can be requested and/or encouraged to install litters bin at bus-stop locations.   Objective 6 The Environmental SPC should be involved in any review of the road cleansing service. While it is noted that the council recently renegotiated a reduced cost for the current road-sweeping contract whilst retaining the same level of service, there remains significant concerns in many quarters that the level of service currently on offer is not satisfactory.   Objective 7 In line with the suggested amendment to Objective 1 the following similar text should be considered for Objective 7 i.e. that “the operational plans for each urban or other designated area will be prepared in consultation with the elected members for the area and brought before the relevant Area Committee for noting”; and that “An implementation and performance update report will be brought before the relevant Area Committee every three months as a headed item.” Operational plans should be based on specified human resource allocations appropriate to the needs of each area.   The opportunities for staff redeployment and front-line service restructuration arising from both the recent sale of the council’s waste collections service and the Croke Park transformation agenda should be harnessed to provide additional human resources to both litter cleansing and graffiti removal and in a way which is more responsive to on-the-ground needs of each area.                 Addressed in objectives 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11   Objective 1: the Litter Management Plan is reported to the members on quarterly                         Objective 6: the Environmental SPC is a strategic policy committee and is not therefore a forum for operational matters         Objective 7: the Litter Management Plan is reported on quarterly                                    
6 Cllr William Lavelle                                                                                             Objective 7 continued The council should in particular consider proposals, to expand the council´s hand-cart services to areas of the county, such as Lucan South, where residents´ groups are very active in arranging community clean-ups but where there is currently no permanent regular cleansing service along, for example, main roads leading from commercial centre as exists in other urban areas of the county   Objective 8 Considering adding a specific bullet point: ·                                 “The council will play an active and lead role in establishing Tidy Town groups in both the Lucan South & Rathfarnham areas in line with the objectives identified under the Public Realm Transformation Initiative’ Establishment of Tidy Town groups in both Lucan South & Rathfarnham could be headline objectives for this Litter Management Plan.   Objective 10 Consider installation of warning signage in suburban areas , similar to ´speed signs´ to warn people they will be fined for littering - many people would never consider ´ fly tipping´ but think nothing of dropping a drinks can on the footpath. These signs would be especially useful at traffic junctions (such as the junction of Griffeen Avenue/Balgaddy Road in Lucan) where residents report serious problems with people throwing rubbish out of their car windows.   Objective 11 Consider adding a specific bullet point: ·                                 “Seek, where funding allows, to reinstall CTTV monitoring at recycling bring-banks.” The rationale for reinstalling CTTV monitoring at recycling bring-banks is proven by statistics on fines issued and revenue collected, as presented at a briefing for elected members in May 2011.                 Objective 7:  The Council is advancing proposals around the management of the entire public realm.  The redeployment of staff will be within this context                                                     Objective 11: The project of CCTV has been identified under public realm                                                          

South West Clondalkin Community Safety Forum                                                                                   1. Junk Collections Reinstatement of the Junk Collections service to counteract illegal dumping. 2. Road Sweeping We propose that all road sweeping is synchronised with bin collection services to ensure maximum benefit of the service. 3.Waiver System for Bin Collections We propose that the Council do a cost benefit analysis on withdrawal of the waiver against the price of dealing with the consequent increase in illegal dumping, with a view to re-introducing a waiver supported by SDCC. 4.Build on the Success of Previous Anti-litter/Dumping Initiatives v     By running several of these free days in Ballymount  in the future v     More promotion around these events 5.South West Clondalkin All Area Clean Up an ongoing ‘South West Clondalkin All area Clean up Day’ supported and sponsored on an ongoing basis and used as a model to be replicated across the county. 6 Area of Corkagh  Removal of  cottages in area of Corkagh Park adjacent to the Old Mill to help reduction in litter and dumping. 7 Consultation Days for the Draft Litter management plans Increased public awareness for future litter management plans 8. Graffiti SDCC must prioritise the immediate removal of graffiti. Council to supply paint to residents and environmental groups for the removal of graffiti. 9 Stolen /burnt out vehicles The prioritisation of removal of burnt out vehicles and promotion to communities of the steps for reporting these incidents. 10 Litter Bins More litter bins are needed. We recommend the installation of fire proof litter bins for access roads from all retail outlets.               Addressed in objectives 1,3, 8, 9 & 10   Point 1: Junk collections have been replaced by other initiatives       Point 3: Waiver system being dealt at a national level                     Point 6: Cottages are protected structures in Co Dev Plan and so cannot be touched.   Point 7: report goes to area members     Point 8: agreed                                      

8 South Dublin Chamber of commerce Thyes Kavanagh                   1.      Replacement of bins which were removed, and additional bins supplied for Clondalkin Village and surrounding shopping areas. 2.      Frequent empty of bins. 3.      Street-cleaning services should be operational at week-ends 4.      Education of both traders and members of the public as to their individual responsibilities regarding litter. 5.      On-the-spot warnings or cautions for first time offenders, and on-the-spot fines for repeat offenders. 6.      We would like Clondalkin Village to be a designated Poster-Free area   o       Addressed in objectives 1, 3, 4, 8,9 & 10   o       waste in bins are empty are per schedule which is guided by volume of waste.       o       Point 6: will be referred to the SPC  
9 Kieran Mahon                                           
  1. maximise the existing anti-litter measures
  2. continue to create environmental awareness through education and pride in the community
  3. Incorporate existing CCTV Systems into Anti litter campaign
  4. CCTV Monitoring of all Bottle Banks
  5. Target any schools that have not gained green flag status
  6. “Respect Your Area” Campaign
  7. Identify areas for clean up and mobilise community
  8. Install  Recycling Points at Entrances to Public Pitches
Addressed in objectives 2, 3, 4 8, 9, 10 & 11                      
10 Enda Timoney. Student Council Facilitator / Green Flag Coordinator. St. Mark´s Community School. Tallaght, 1.    litter bins outside our school 2.    Better links with Litter Wardens / and Organised Clean Ups. 3.    Access to the schedule for Clean ups in the community outside school 4.    More Recycling Bins for school. 5.    Provision of support and info about other interested people / groups who would also like to see a litter free community.         Addressed in objectives 4, 8, 10     ·        Street cleaning schedule available on the website   ·        recycling bins available through  waste providers        
11 Cllr Breeda Bonner           1.      what happens when waiver ends 2.      Enforce the law as regards fly tipping and dumping 3.      Supported for active community groups from council in their efforts, 4.      Additional bins in public places such as parks 5.      community groups and members of the public be encouraged to ask for parks and the litter service. 6.      ad campaign highlighting the ways in which services can be accessed would be a good idea Waiver system being dealt at a national level   Addressed in objectives 1,2,3,4,8,9 & 10              
12 Tallaght Community Council (TCC)                                                                                           1.    Define, launch & champion a local initiative to work alongside the "Tidy Districts" to promote and give visibility to what SDCC believe is best practice for a residential area & a business - this should include tangible metrics & should be used to promote & measure local objectives to establish of improve performance 2.     Set Local Challenge areas - e.g. clean up protocol at sporting events- every sporting team who use a public ground should be advised of their role in cleaning up after their use of the ground & their liability for any littering of their teams or spectators 3.     More governance of events for litter on/ immediately after the events - 7 days cover 4.     Highlight & actively measure SDCC´s position in national litter survey on - act as an encouragement to improve or maintain position - foster competitive pride. 5.     Audit the number of bins in county, with a clear interactive map of bin in county - where are the litter black spots - do they correlate? bins should be employed as part of the solution to any litter mgt programme. 6.     To review the impact of the current HR issues i.e work practices with bin collections - locations / access & times. 7.    To define & monitor what the annual targets are for bins in public places across the county - a counter on would help drive awareness & PR for this. 8.    To publish a list of new bin locations & replacements on each month 9.    To agree a policy that would ensure that all public parks who have sports facilities on it or playgrounds should have at least one bin in it.  10.  To have a fines counter on - how many cases reported, cases taken to court - fines issued - prove credible evidence that if you break the law in terms of litter - rubbish or dumping other material e.g. toxic waste, construction waste material etc. Name and publicly shame offenders. 11.  Reward businesses & groups who actively engage in litter mgt activities - you need carrot & stick 12.  Recognise the litter free areas and beauty spots on a monthly basis on Point 1: Beautiful  South Competition           Point 2: included in licence Agreement                 Point 4: publically published     Addressed in objectives 1, 3, 4,7 , 8, 9 10, 11                       Point 9: It is council policy to not have litter bins in parks   Point 10: counter will be explored       Point 11: Social credits                        
  Tallaght Community Council (TCC)                                                                           13. Use Twitter / social media to report & target resources for litter mgt in - ensure continuous vigilence and consequence is clearly visible to all stakeholders in having a litter free environment in SDCC area. 14. Work with TCC to have a link the Tallaght Person of the Year awards (environment category) and the local efforts to encourage active citizneship in this area. 15. Review the number & workload of the litter wardens & environment dept against the litter mgt needs of the county- actively engage with changes to work practices where necessary to ensure the right resources are targeting the right areas to ensure Tallaght is a litter free zone. 16. Foster respect & personal responsibility at school going age through existing & further school campaigns e.g. green flag etc. 17. Clearly outline the cost and benefit to groups and businesses from sponsoring a litter mgt project e.g. clean up, community junk collection, bin installation on - run a promotion & recruitment campaign to achieve a good presence of litter bins in Tallaght as the county town. This should be the showcase location for 18. Align the Tidy Districts with school awareness weeks & An Tasice´s Spring Clean up 19. Review the seasonal drivers to litter e.g christmas & Halloween - be proactive with the mgt of the calender of junk collections to ensure you minimise the household rubbish around these pressure points.       Point 14 Beautiful South                                       Point 17: Tidy Towns                            
  13 The Square 16th May - Public Consultation         Public Consultation Comments 1: More litter bins to be placed in areas such as the Luas, Bus stops. 2: Dog Fouling: Signage Required and Bins for the specific purpose to disposal of dog waste 3: More CCTV in the areas particularly near the Bottle banks 4: Additional collections at bottle banks before and after public holidays Addressed in objectives 1,4, 5, 8, 11   point 2: Mutli-use bins will continue to be the receptacles for dog litter    
14 Rathfarnham SC 17th May         1.    Dog Fouling a problem, more enforcement 2.    More litter bins 3.    Recycling queries about batteries and lightbulbs 4.    Provide information on Social Credits System and Community Clean-Up.   Addressed in objectives 1,3, 4, 8, 9 & 10      
15 Knocklyon Shopping Centre 18th May   1.      More litter bins 2.      It was also suggested that a litter bin or recycling bin for bags/cardboard be located at the bring bank 3.      Target the local schools for increased information/awareness Addressed in objectives 4, 8, 9 & 10 point 2: There general experience supports that bins at bring banks  increase dumping  
16 CityWest 19th May - Public Consultation           Public Consultation Comments
  1. Notices in take aways re not throwing litter on ground
  2. recycling bins, bottle banks  and clothes
  3. better enforcement
  4. campaign in schools
  5. more bins
  6. more CCTV in mountains
Addressed in objectives 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9,10 & 11              
17 Lucan Monday 23rd May - Public Consultation         Public Consultation Comments
  1. increase number of recycling bring banks especially textiles
  2. More dog fouling signs in
  3. stop planting trees that shed leaves along motorway –
  4. prosecute people who litter
Addressed in objectives 1, 3,5 & 8                
18 Liffey Valley, 24th May Public Consultation     Public Consultation Comments 1:   More education campaigns in schools 2:   Better awareness of fines 3:   More dog fouling signs required   Addressed in objectives 1, 8, 9 & 10      
19 The Mill  - Clondalkin 26th May Public Consultation Public Consultation Comments  
  1.  more cleaning done by the Council
  2. More action against litter offenders. 
Addressed in objectives 3, 4 & 6      
20 Information meeting for elected members 20th May 2011-05-23 Council Chamber                          
  1. Gardai to enforce litter fines
  2. All SDCC staff to report waste
  3. Placement ofwarning signs re litter
  4. Use electronic signs for litter information
  5. Continued Awareness  & Education campaigns
  6. Replacement of Dog litter signs
  7. Use facebook and twitter
  8. Free day at Civic amenity for groups or individuals  for items of large rubbish
  9. Anti - Graffiti Awareness
  10. Skip bags – how to deal with them
  11. Increased enforcement on door to door collections
  12. Greater involvement of communities in clean-ups
  13. More efficient use of resources
  14. Use of CCTV
  15. Cigarette butts litter enforcement
  16. Public awareness of costs involved in cleansing of County
  17. Connect with groups regarding anti-litter message
Addressed in  objectives 1- 12       Operational plans will be developed to address a number of the focused suggestions in the course of theses consultations     Point 10: waste byelaws will be reviewed                        

    Online submissions    
21 Wilhelmina Daly Templeogue         Prevention elections both Local and National, that each candidate should pay approx €2,000 per candidate towards the removal of the plastic ties from lamppost Partnership Bins outside schools and local shops should be bigger and more visible Addressed in objectives 1 & 4 The issue of election posters and littering is being brought before the Environment SPC
22 Eugene O'Rourke Kingswood apologies to your staff manning the display in Citywest on the 19th May for not returning to talk to them about litter management plan  
23 Ethna Grant clondalkin         Additional litter bins &  regular removal of litter. Addressed in objectives  4 waste in bins are empty are per schedule which is guided by volume of waste
24 Lorraine O'Connor Clondalkin     Prevention Dog fouling bins provided in Corkagh Park "clean up after your dog" signs Addressed in objectives  1, 3, 8 Mutli-use bins will continue to be the receptacles for dog litter
25 Declan Hanley                                     Prevention more community involvement in Litter management. schools/shops/businesses/clubs should be more involved.  Litter pickers should be given to these organizations. Enforcement part time litter officers, aswell as the full time ones. These people could act at weekends and bank holidays in chasing litters. Businesses should be fined for persistant littering. Awareness More bins are needed. Partnership Give free litter pickers to schools and get them involved as litter wardens Cleansing more checkups on litters, go through the rubbish & fine them. Additional ideas Give free litter pickers to schools/clubs/shops. Let them be partime litter wardens.   Addressed in objectives 3, 4, 8, 9 & 10   Enforcement heading: All enforcement measures will be examined                        
26 Cllr Tony Delaney                                                                           Prevention pro-active in educating the public on the various issues around litter including costs to the budget and the environment.   Enforcement Litter Pollution Act(s) needs to be enforced more rigourously in tandem with a planned system of education.
More Wardens required both on our streets and parks. Can litter & traffic wardens be combined as a joint force to combat both issues.   Cleansing Road sweepers are required more frequently.
Bin Emptying service required 7 days.
 To have no weekend service and no litter bin emptying in our towns & villages from Friday to Monday this day and age is not acceptable. This offends the public to see litter bins overflowing by Saturday evening/Sunday morning and presents the county in a very negative way.   any other comments Dog litter needs to be addressed in all our public spaces by enforcement and the provision of 'poop-scoops & bins' in our parks and popular walkways as done by most other local authorities.                      
Addressed in objectives 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 & 10     Enforcement: This will be examined           Waste in bins are empty are per schedule which is guided by volume of waste.           Mutli-use bins will continue to be the receptacles for dog litter                                

27 Carmel Donohoe                                                                         Prevention i) work closely with owners of supermarkets, shops, newsagents and places of congregration to ensure that there are adequate bins available to accommodate the amount of litter being disposed of and ensure that bins are emptied regularly and maintained well.
ii) place litter bins at bus stops as widely as possible and ensure that they are emptied regularly and the area around them is maintained.   Enforcement i) identify black spot areas (particularly in parks) and deploy litter wardens to monitor littering 'activity' in these areas, e.g., where it is known that persons are regularly congregating and leaving litter behind them, the bye-laws on litter can be enacted more easily Awareness i) work closely with schools especially at Primary level to ensure that education and awareness on litter prevention and broader environmental issues are a significant part of the school curriculum from an early age.  Partnership There are many voluntary organisations who carry out fundraising events throughout the year, particularly during the Spring and Summer months.  Leaders and organisers of these voluntary events need to be educated/reminded that they should incorporate into their event a strategy to prevent littering on the day by a) putting up notices reminding people to use bins b) providing an adequate supply of bins for use at these fundraising events. Other ideas i) work closely with community groups and residents assocations to provide as much encouragement and support as possible in their efforts to maintain and clean up their areas.
ii) have an 'information session' for leaders in these groups to inform them of what programmes of work they have scheduled in their areas, eg., cutting hedges, clearance programmes etc.  This is to ensure that groups are better informed of when these works are to be carried out and they can then organise their 'clean-ups'  more efficiently around these works being done  
Prevention: community guidelines       Addressed in objectives 3, 4, 8,9, 10                                                          

28 General Staff Workshops                                                                                                     Awareness 1.    Council to use all information streams including social media sites to get info to the public, using schools, community centres etc. 2.    Target Transition year students in school for environmental projects etc. 3.    Get more people involved in local clean ups, targeting sports teams, church groups, groups that meet in the community centres. 4.    Promote clean up of litter black spots by getting the community involved. 5.    Get schools, Comhairle na nOg, Youth organsiations etc. to adopt a Litter Code * Pledge; 6.    Develop logos and use them in a promotional campaign "Control litter at source" "Don't Trash South Dublin" "Its all about pride" etc.;
Develop anti-litter surveys for schools and the general public to increase awareness; 7.    Use temporary stencilled messaged on footpaths for anti-dog fouling messages;            8.    More no dumping signs in estates;
Promote  (use leaflets) Ballymount Civic Amenity Centre, specially items accepted free of charge including WEEE; 9.    Have a promotional poster/advertising campaign at prominent locations in the County to target people who do not use the web or read newspapers; 10.  Target adults for awareness sessions possibly through workshops in community centres or shopping centres to show the effects of litter in South Dublin; what they can do to help; what the council is already doing to tackle litter; 11.  Awareness talks in schools & community centres should have slideshows with photos of littering/dumping and should also highlight associated health risks;
Publicise the clean-up materials available to residents  & increase awareness of Community Clean Up Guidelines & Social Credit Scheme.; 12.  Use social media for name & shame (including using images) of heavily littered areas to encourage local groups to organise clean ups & encourage local pride; 13.  Use pitchside advertising in Tallaght stadium to promote keeping the County tidy and/or promoting Twitter/Facebook pages rather than just the Council's name/logo;  
Addressed in objectives 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11   Operational plans will be developed to address a number of the focused suggestions in the course of theses consultations    
  General Staff Workshops                                                                                   Prevention 1.    Dog Fouling litter bins 2.    Encourage people to report dog fouling 3.    Enforcement on a sliding  scale 4.    Contact transport service providers regarding Cigarette Litter. 5.    The Council could create Litter Free Zones starting off with the town centres.
Supply Car-Tidy for cars. 6.    A clear policy as regards the putting up and the removal of posters and signs for public events and elections Partnership 1.    Suggestions for businesses to adopt a road? There are already some litter bins & roundabouts sponsored by local businesses, would getting more businesses to sponsor bins etc. release funds to get the bins emptied more often. 2.    Pick pilot estates in each area to organise clean ups and promote these areas to show the public what can be done by everyone getting involved. 3.    Circulate information to staff prior to events taking place so that they can advise customers on what is happening. 4.    Target IBAL Litter Blackspots and nominate Council staff (Environment) to get involved with local community in cleaning the area so residents see that the Council will help in a real way; 5.    Provide training and release from work, give talks on environmental awareness issues, liaise with communities, schools, businesses, before events.  6.     Scheme can be widened to the general public who would be interested in working with their local community to promote environmental awareness, clean ups, to promote Council run initiatives/events.  7.   Run a competition for sports teams to clean up their local areas and provide prizes of a new team kit (maybe with Anti-Litter logos);        
  General Staff Workshops                                                                       Enforcement 1.    Fines should be increased,
increase number of litter wardens 2.    Put dumping incidents on the social media sites to draw peoples' attention to what is going on in their area. 3.    Install a temporary camera at bring centres that can be moved from location to location; 4.    Put up cameras in the most littered places ; 5.    Increase the litter fine amount; 6.    Develop a national register of unpaid litter fines and increase penalties for repeat offenders; 7.    Increase penalties if fines not paid within 28 days fine increases to €250 (similar to speeding fines);   Cleansing                         1.   More litter bins on footpaths; 2.    More litter bins at bus stops. 3.    More litter bins at schools and between schools and shops. 4.    Litter bins in Parks for dog fouling; 5.    Possible  liaison with Tallaght Court to have people who are given community service  assist cleansing/graffiti crews; 6.    Use Operations staff to provide junk collections; 7.    Provide more litter bins and more frequent emptying of them. Improve response times to clearing dumped material to prevent further material being added 8.   There is a problem with burnt out/crash cars being taken by operators and leaving dirt and debris behind to be cleaned by SDCC. 9.    The removal of grit and sand at traffic islands and road verges after snow and ice



The Environment Strategic Policy Committee recommended that South Dublin County Council approve the Draft Litter Management Plan 2011 – 2014 as presented to the Strategic Policy Committee on 20th June 2011.

This matter is now before the members for approval.