south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


QUESTION: Councillor C. Jones

To ask the Manager if he is aware of the works been undergone on Mill Lane on listed buildings (ruins) on the left hand side of the road as you approach the Sun Chemical property and to ask the Manager will he comment on whether there are enforcement implications regarding this matter?


The two structures along Mill Lane, Palmerston are not Protected Structures but are located within the Architectural Conservation Area of the Mill Complex.  The property owners contacted the Council's Planning Department in relation to these dangerous structures.  The Council's Conservation Officer contacted the Property Manager of Stewart's Hospital directly on 7th February 2011 to discuss the current condition of the structures and to confirm their status.  The Council's Conservation Officer requested that the Property Manager should send in a copy of their engineer's report to the Dangerous Buildings Section, Architectural Services so that an independent inspection could be carried out which it was.   The Conservation Officer advised that she could accept that the chimneys and roofs to be taken off as the dangerous buildings inspector recommended this as the structures were a direct threat to public safety being located onto the road front. 

On the 2nd June 2011 the Conservation Officer received a number of phone calls from residents informing her that the works to remove the chimneys and the roofs had taken place and the Conservation Officer endeavoured to explain the situation fully to those residents based on the correspondences to date with the property owners.  The Conservation Officer contacted the Property Manager directly the very same day to confirm details and to discuss how the safeguarding of these structures would proceed.  The Conservation Officer is waiting for the Property Manager to get back with further details of the proposed works required to stabilise the structures and to arrange a site meeting.  The retention, re-use and possible development of the site will also be discussed.  The Conservation Officer will continue to monitor the situation.  It is considered that based on the information provided above no enforcement action is required.