Tuesday, June 28, 2011
QUESTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
To compliment the Heritage Officer, the Park's Department Staff and all those involved in the recent BioBlitz in Waterstown Park and to ask the Manager if he will provide a report, in non specialist terms, of the numbers of species observed under various headings such as birds, fresh water animals and fish, animals, insects, flowers and plants etc., and to ask if the Council might co-operate with Fingal County Council and Kildare County Council in having a biodiversity audit done on Lucan Demesne//St. Catherine's Park?
The compliments of the Member are very much appreciated and will be conveyed to the staff involved.
A total of 687 species were recorded in Liffey Valley Park, Waterstown at the recent BioBlitz. The breakdown of species is as follows:
· 241 vascular plants - this group comprises grasses, wildflowers, trees and shrubs.
· 36 fungi
· 50 bird species
· 55 molluscs - e.g snails, found in both water and on land.
· 294 invertebrates - insects
· 11 mammals
The final species list has yet to be received from the National Biodiversity Data Centre as well as more detailed information on the significance of what was found. The experience of BioBlitz has validated a lot of the work that has been done in the Park in the last few years and will give added impetus to the conservation works there into the future. The success of the BioBlitz was made possible by the significant contributions made by the volunteers during the event, in particular, the many scientists and specialist who gave their time for free for the day. This voluntary assistance was actively supported by the National Biodiversity Data Centre who provided guidance and assistance with hosting the event including the provision of staff for the day.
While South Dublin County Council was honoured to be invited to participate in the 2011 Bio Blitz, the selection of the sites is determined by the National Biodiversity Data Centre. The Council is hopeful that we would be invited to participate again in the next BioBlitz.
The Council will explore the possibility of carrying out a biodiversity audit of Lucan Demesne/St. Catherine's Park with Fingal and Kildare County Councils.