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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell

While commending Management and staff for their recent efforts, and as a follow up to the offer made by Management in the Report to my Motion Ref ID 24108 at the September meeting,  the subsequent report on CCTV at the Jan 2011 LCA, and my motion 27079  in March of this year and following the recent public meeting in Palmerston on the 12th May, this committee now calls on Management to bring forward plans for CCTV and Movement Sensitive lights for Glenaulin Park and when the other significant  measures suggested by members of the public to rid the area of anti-social activity are to be introduced.


As previously reported to the Committee, the issue of CCTV in Glenaulin Park has been raised on a number of occasions in discussions with Palmerstown Community Council and local residents. Part of the park on the Dublin City Council side is covered by a camera system installed in the Dublin City Council area which is under the control of the Gardaí. The possibility of extending this system is being examined in conjunction with the Gardaí and Dublin City Council having regard to the availability of resources.

At the public meeting on 12th May, attended by the Senior Park's Superintendent, local residents expressed widely diverging views in relation to measures they would like to see implemented in Glenaulin Park to deter anti-social behaviour. Amongst the views expressed were vocal opposition to the provision of CCTV cameras, high fencing and gate closures. In order to advance matters, it was agreed that a coherent community response was required.

It was therefore proposed by the Chair of the meeting that a focused action group be formed, comprised of representatives of the local communities around the park as well as other stakeholders such as the Council and Gardaí. The group, under the auspices of Palmerstown Community Council, is to be tasked with preparing a consensus based action plan of measures that can be taken to counter the issue of anti-social behaviour in the park with a view to eliminating the problem over time. It is envisaged that measures to be discussed will include the provision of CCTV / lighting systems.  

The inaugural meeting of this group (Friends of Glenaulin) took place on 31st May 2011 and was attended by representatives from the Community, Sports Clubs, Palmerstown Together, Palmerstown Community Council, Elected Members, Garda Síochána, Parks Department, Schools and Business Community.  The most significant outcome from the meeting was the establishment of a working group with the aim of developing a strategy for the park based on short, medium and long term objectives. 

It is envisaged that the strategy will identify a range of actions and timeframes which, if implemented in a planned way with the agreement of the various stakeholders,  would lead to the substantial reduction or even elimination of anti social behaviour in Glenaulin Park. As part of this process, it is expected that a detailed discussion will take place on CCTV and motion activated lighting. 

The strategy will assist the Council and Gardaí in terms of routine activity and maintenance as well as assisting in the planning and delivery of key actions identified, having regard to the limited resources available and the wider operational remits of both organisations.