south dublin county council crest


Wednesday, June 15, 2011


MOTION: Councillor T. Ridge

That the Manager give a report regarding the various methods of securing a house from SDCC within the Clondalkin Electoral Area.  The report should include details regarding the affordable housing and other housing schemes.  


The Housing schemes as operated by the Council over the years have been undergoing changes in the recent times due in the main as a result of the economic crisis of the Country. This has resulted in the need to look at other alternatives to traditional social housing build as the capital finances are not available for new schemes.  We have been innovative in looking at ways to meet social housing need and promoted the new Leasing initiative (ASH)  when it became obvious that new build was not an option.  Following discussions with the DOEHLG we have also implemented a pilot Choice Based Letting scheme in conjunction with a new method of sourcing leased properties entitled Applicant Sourced Homes.

The various methods now available to housing applicants to secure housing are:-

There are presently no Affordable Homes available in the Lucan area.

The Housing Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2009 is now the primary legislation under which housing support is provided. Sec 22 of the act stated that it would be necessary to make an Allocations Scheme by the 13th June. This new scheme was adopted by the Council at its meeting held on 13th June 2011. The Scheme will be to:-

 ·        Determine the priority to be given in allocation of dwellings to persons assessed as being qualified for Social Housing Support.

·        Include provision for transfers and persons purchasing under Incremental Purchase Scheme

·        To make specific provision for dwellings reserved for particular purposes including allocations to particular classes of persons, those transferring from other forms of social housing support and for particular forms of tenure

·        Defined to include the provision of accommodation in RAS properties

·        Special transfer path for RAS tenants to other forms of social housing support

 Required by Regulation in the new Scheme but already operated by this council are:-

·        Choice Based Letting

·        Time on List approach

The purpose of the new Allocations Schemes is to create a more uniform approach to the content and operation of allocations schemes nationally. To this end there is a Review of Housing Policy ongoing Nationally and it is understood that a National Allocations Scheme maybe introduced in the future. 

New Regulations have also been made by the Minister which changes the basis of the Assessment of Needs.  These are now carried out under Section 20 Housing Act 2009 and it will be the gateway for the provision of Social Housing Support from now on.  There will only be 2 assessments in future.  One at the time of application and again when a decision is made to provide allocation of a tenancy to a household

The main changes to the Assessment are:-

·        Housing is not an entitlement

·        Applicant must be eligible to apply to the LA. (resident, income, no property)

·        Have a need for Social Housing Support (overcrowding, unfit, disability, medical, RS, prison)

·        Housing List will be the gateway to Social Housing Support

  New elements in the Assessment consist of:-

·        Applicant may apply to one authority only

·        Assessment should be dealt with in 12 weeks (max 26 weeks)

·        Housing authority of application carries out assessment

·        Applicant may identify up to 3 areas of choice.  One must be in the housing authority of application

·        Areas of choice are not a priority ranking but from time chosen

·        May not change area of choice for 1 year

·        Eligibility is assessed first.  If applicant is ineligible then there is no assessment

·        Income limits will apply

There is a new prescribed application form which is in use from the 1st April.  We are strictly enforcing this new assessment with all new applicants.

There will be a presentation to each of the Area Committees outlining the various schemes in place by this Council to meet its social housing need.