Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Planning Files
A. Large applications under consideration
SD11A/0121 | Reg. Date: 18-May-2011 Applicant’s Name: Elume Limited Submission Type: New Application | Location: Units 502 & 503, Southgate, Profile Park, Grange Castle, Dublin 22 Proposed Development: Change of use of an existing logistics/distribution warehouse facility (approved under planning ref. no. SD08A/0052) to an electronic technology facility, associated works including modifications to existing structure. The development will consist of the following works and modifications to the existing building: installation of external plant over two storeys along the east and west elevations of the building on a new steel support system clad with acoustic louvered screens to match existing cladding colours; installation of a new first floor to provide additional plant areas; extension to the administration area at ground floor level with new windows to the south elevation to match existing; installation of additional windows at upper level over the existing administration area and existing roof lights removed; removal of existing doors to north facade and replacement with new cladding to colour match existing; associated internal alterations. Extent of site works includes: a sprinkler tank and pump house to the north east corner; extension of existing single storey substation in the south east corner to include a customer switch room; provision of a new main entrance to the east of the existing entrance to Unit 502, a new road layout, entrance gates and new entrance gates south of the building to access the car park; block existing main entrance to Unit 502 to provide set down area to access the ESB substation; construct a single storey security building to the east of the site with new gates and new visitor car parking; remove one existing dock leveller and an on-grade roller shutter door from the north west corner of the building with the existing depressed loading dock filled in; installation of self contained emergency stand by generators and other plant to the north west corner of the site, including all supporting structures for flues, and a 1.8m high fence and gate to generator enclosure; construct roadway around the building to the west, north and east of the site; boundary fencing around site with site landscaping; existing site entrance to Unit 503 to be retained as an alternative access point; divert existing culvert along eastern side of the site to facilitate development; install a bicycle shelter to the south west of the site; increase in site area from 9131sq.m. to 13925sq.m. Decision Due on or before: 12-Jul-2011 |
SD11A/0135 | Reg. Date: 27-May-2011 Applicant’s Name: O'Byrne Partnership & HSE Submission Type: New Application | Location: Boot/Convent Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 Proposed Development: Demolition of all existing buildings on site and construction of an integrated Healthcare facility with vehicular access from Boot Road / Convent Road to include; a 3 - 5 storey Primary Care Centre building with incorporated pharmacare centre, café, HSE administration, medical treatment rooms, ancillary service areas and staff facilities; a 1 - 3 storey nursing home building to accommodate 80 bedrooms, ancillary amenity and service areas and staff facilities; surface and basement level car parking, vehicular entrance and associated carriageway adjustments, signage, substation/switch room, revised boundary treatments, landscaping and all ancillary services and development at Boot Road/Convent Road, Fonthill Road and St. John's Road. Decision Due on or before: 21-Jul-2011 |