Monday, June 13, 2011
MOTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
That this Council requests the Manager to write to the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources requesting information on the Government's position in regard to legislation to promote, facilitate and derive benefit from the exploitation of renewable energy resources including geothermal energy and wind derived energy.
The Council has been progressing a number of renewable energy initiatives, in the context of the preparation of a countywide Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP). The SEAP is being undertaken by the Planning Department under the protocol of the Covenant of Mayors and includes calculation of the County’s energy consumption and identification of ways to both reduce consumption and seriously increase input from renewable energy sources, including geothermal. In parallell with this, the Council has also successfuly bid as part of a multi-authority EU 'Intelligent Energy Europe' programme, for funding for a 'local energy action leadership project' of LEAP, to develop local authorities as community leaders in carbon footprint reduction. This programme centres on the development of a broad base of agreement and action across public, private and community sectors and commenced in May 2011. It will include signing the Covenant of Mayors on completion of the SEAP in early 2012.
Early initiatives related to the above include development of energy and water saving programmes with local businesses through partnership with the Chamber of Commerce. The Council is currently employing energy interns to audit energy patterns, identify solutions and produce an evidence-base for improvement works. The Innovation Enterprise Network for unemployed graduates, established by the Council and now operating at a regional level, has established a Community of Practice for Energy. This acts as a forum for discussion, training and innovation linked to the Chamber initiative and offering opportunities for upskilling, and job-creation. This chain of effort also extends into the Community from action groups at neighbourhood level through the enthusiasm of schools and extending to individual householders to act separately or as cooperatives to improve the fabric of their homes, thereby saving money and energy.
All of the above are underpinned by the Council’s Energy Management Programme (MAP), mentored and supported by SEAI, dedicated to a 30% energy reduction by 2020. The calculation of the Councils carbon footprint is almost complete and a Register of energy saving opportunities prepared. Training of the internal Energy MAP team is complete and a web link is on line. The MAP programme included the appointment of an 'energy champion', to oversee energy efficiency and renewable energy projects (Eddie Conroy, County Architect) at Management Team level.
In October of 2010 the Tallaght Sustainable Energy Community Project was established with a view to addressing the energy and climate change challenge at this local level. This project is supported by committed public and private stakeholders within the Tallaght Town Centre area, including Tallaght Hospital, ITT, The Square, Allied Foods and Respond Housing Association. Good progress has been made in respect of establishing energy usage baselines, agreeing a memorandum of understanding towards energy-saving actions, establishing support and information networks and launching of projects.
The has led to a current bid for formal designation under SEAI’s 'Sustainable Energy Community' Programme (SEC) to broaden and deepen the Tallaght Sustainable Energy Community Project, to embrace the whole community. The SEC programme focuses on network development and cross sector partnership, thereby offering South Dublin and its stakeholders, synergies in the sharing of services and pooling of both resources and ideas. The SEC Programme has the potential to grow project management strategies and technical innovations, which may be aided by leveraging of funding through other sources not normally available, adding to our potential to deliver energy savings and increase the use of renewable energy sources and ultimately reduction in carbon dioxide generation, at local level. If the motion is passed the Council will write to the Minister as requested.