Monday, June 13, 2011
HEADED ITEM: M. Kelly - Finance, Clodagh Henehan
(all circulated herewith)
The following report was presented to the Members at the Organisation, Procedure & Finance Committee Meeting held on 19th May 2011: “In accordance with Section 104 of the Local Government Act 2001, Council approval is required for additional revenue account expenditure in 2010. Approval was previously granted at the February 2011 Council meeting for additional expenditure that had been advised and considered as part of the revised budget process for 2010. The following additional expenditure was noted during the preparation of the Annual Financial Statement for 2010 and approval for this expenditure is now required as it relates to expenditure in excess of that agreed as part of the revised budget. The details, reasons and sources of funding for the additional expenditure for the various Services are set out below::
Division and Service
Amount of Additional Expenditure over Budget 2010
Maintenance & Improvement of LA Housing
Agency & Recoupable Services
Division Total
A01 Maintenance & Improvement of LA Housing
Increased maintenance expenditure related to costs due to the bad weather in late 2010 and a number of additional unplanned works on local authority houses. There were also additional bad debts written off in relation to rents.
A11 Agency & Recoupable Services
These increased costs relate to inspection of private rented dwellings and were funded from increased associated income.
B01 | NP Road - Maintenance & Improvement | (-552,300) |
B02 | NS Road - Maintenance & Improvement | (-106,200) |
B03 | Regional Road - Maintenance & Improvement | (-71,900) |
B09 | Maintenance & Management of Car Parking | (-41,100) |
B11 | Agency & Recoupable Services | (-4,300) |
B | Division Total | (-775,800) |
B01 NP – Maintenance & Improvement
Additional expenditure was incurred for bridge repair and inspection costs associated with 3 separate incidents – these costs will be recouped from third party insurance.
B02 NS – Maintenance & Improvement
This additional expenditure relates to greater than anticipated winter maintenance costs and has been partially grant funded.
B03 Regional Road – Maintenance & Improvement
This additional expenditure relates to contracts and machinery yard expenses and is matched by savings in B04 Local Road – Maintenance & Improvement.
B09 Maintenance & Management of Car Parking
This additional expenditure was incurred for parking meter maintenance services and is funded from additional parking fee incomes.
C02 | Waste Water Treatment | (-441,400) |
C | Division Total | (-441,400) |
C02 Waste Water Treatment
This additional expenditure was incurred for the Drainage Agreement 2010 final account. This is a regional shared service arrangement and is managed by Dublin City Council on behalf of the Dublin local authorities.
D03 | Enforcement | (-61,100) |
D10 | Property Management | (-255,600) |
D | Division Total | (-316,700) |
D03 Enforcement
Additional expenditure was incurred for Planning Enforcement legal fees matched by savings in respect of Building Control legal fees.
D10 Property Management
Increased expenditure was incurred for, CCTV costs along canal green route and a write off of a bad debt relating to a residential shop.
E05 | Litter Management | (-24,500) |
E11 | Operation of Fire Service | (-16,600) |
E | Division Total | (-41,100) |
E05 Litter Management
This expenditure relates to an increase in the provision for bad debts relating to Litter Fines.
F06 | Agency & Recoupable Services | (-1,100) |
F | Division Total | (-1,100) |
H01 | Profit & Loss Machinery Account | (-15,200) |
H03 | Adminstration of Rates | (-1,337,400) |
H11 | Agency & Recoupable Services | (-40,800) |
H | Division Total | (-1,393,400) |
Division H
Additional expenditure of €1.5m was incurred arising from applications from ratepayers for a refund of commercial rates due to non-occupancy of their properties in 2010. This resulted in an over-expenditure of €1,337,400 from this budget.
Over-expenditure was offset by a combination of some increased incomes and reduced expenditure in other areas in order to prevent the council incurring a financial deficit for 2010.”