Monday, June 13, 2011
MOTION: Councillor W. Lavelle
That this Council, reaffirming our commitment to protect and enhance the outstanding character and amenity of the Liffey Valley and ensuring that no new initiative ever weakens or threatens this absolute protection; expresses its support to both the Taoiseach and the Minister of State for the OPW for the establishment of a single-coordinating Liffey Valley Partnership, similar to the successful Dublin Mountain Partnership to bring together the OPW, the four local authorities and the Liffey Valley Park Alliance to further the protection of the Liffey Valley as a priority, and to progress achievable, economic and environmentally-sustainable measures to develop the Liffey Valley’s recreational and tourism amenity including some of those proposed in the ‘Towards the Liffey Valley Park’ report, without compromising the Valley's built or natural heritage; and further recommends that this council as a local authority with both experience of the Dublin Mountain Partnership and an interest in the Liffey Valley should offer to play an active role in the establishment of such a partnership.
The achievements and progress of the Dublin Mountains Partnership (DMP) is in large measure due to the implementation of a long term Strategic Plan for the Management of Recreation on the public owned lands in the Dublin Mountains area. This plan is based on a shared vision. The shared vision was agreed through consensus amongst the stakeholders following a process of consultation. The Strategic Plan was also agreed through consensus amongst the stakeholders, thus reinforcing a collaborative approach. The strategic plan recommended an implementation process to deliver the Strategic Plan that would build on this collaborative approach. This was agreed by all parties and the DMP was established through a Memorandum of Understanding as the delivery agency for the Strategic Plan. The partnership in effect was established at the end of a confidence building process. In pursuing the implementation of the Strategic Plan for the management of recreation on public owned land, not only has the recreation experience been enhanced, but it had been demonstrated that there are benefits also for tourism and other economic activities.
This outcome was in large measure achieved by a combination of unique existing circumstances. In the Dublin Mountains area, the local authorities had already similar policies and objectives in place. There was a single owner of an extensive area of public land with an open access approach to its lands, a recreation strategy in place consistent with the local authority policies, and a staff structure to support it – i.e. Coillte. There was also an established umbrella group of recreational users made up of, all local recreational groups and national organisations representing a wide range recreational activity appropriate to the area - the Dublin Mountains Initiative (DMI). The contribution of the DMI has been significant. Finally in 2008 the economic climate facilitated both local authorities in committing to supporting the process financially, initially for 3 years.
In the Liffey Valley area, there are both similarities and significant differences. Like the mountains, it is recognised that the area has significant recreation and tourism potential. Also the local authorities have similar policies and objectives. There is at present however only limited public ownership of lands within the area and limited public access. In addition there does not appear to be a single umbrella group representing either all appropriate recreational users specifically or more widely all appropriate stakeholders (including landowners) generally. Finally, in the current economic climate, the availability of resources to support a similar initiative is uncertain. The Council could however utilise its experience from the Mountains area to facilitate a collaborative process to bring forward such an initiative and if the members approve the Motion letters in this regard will issue as proposed in the Motion text.