south dublin county council crest


Monday, May 23, 2011



Planning Files  - Large applications under consideration

SD11A/0103 Reg. Date: 26-Apr-2011 Applicant’s Name: Mr. Gary Smith Submission Type: New Application         Location: Ashleaf Shopping Centre, Crumlin Cross, Crumlin, Dublin 12 Proposed Development: Development of a mixed-use scheme, including retail, office and cinema uses, on 1.63 ha site, approximately, which will consist of the refurbishment and extension of Ashleaf Shopping Centre.   The development will consist of the continued use (including refurbishment and remodelling) of 18,958 sq.m. and the development of an additional 2,013 sq.m. resulting in a scheme with a total gross floorspace of 20,971 sq.m. excluding car parking at basement, ground, first floor levels (17,371 sq.m.) (the existing centre measures some 18,958 sq.m. gross floor area (33,219 sq.m.) including basement car parking).   The proposed development will include some reorganisation of existing floorspace, which results in a change of use from:  public house to retail (203 sq.m.);  public house to ancillary (215 sq.m.);  public house to cinema (16 sq.m.);  non-retail services to retail (96 sq.m.);  off-licence to retail (150 sq.m.);  office to retail (279 sq.m.);  office to cinema (313 sq.m.);  office to ancillary (21 sq.m.);  and ancillary to retail (99 sq.m.).   The proposed development will consist of:  an increase in retail use by 1,060 sq.m. gross retail area (863 sq.m. net retail sales area (from 7,585 sq.m. to 8,645 sq.m. gross retail area in total (5,643 sq.m. to 6,506 sq.m. net retail area in total));  an increase in ancillary space by 597 sq.m. (from 2,685 sq.m. to 3,282 sq.m.) (ancillary space includes areas such as service corridors, circulation, toilets, staff areas, plant areas, substations and switchrooms);  a decrease in office use by 596 sq.m. (from 2,502 sq.m. to 1,906 sq.m.);  a decrease in non-retail services by 96 sq.m. (from 851 sq.m. to 755 sq.m.);  a decrease in public bars by 2,477 sq.m. (from 3,209 sq.m. to 732 sq.m.);  the provision of an 7-screen, 1,397 no. seat cinema (3,525 sq.m.), including associated ancillary ticket sales, concessions, lobbies and circulation areas, toilets and administration areas;  and an increase in car parking provision by 101 no. spaces (from 541 no. to 642 no. spaces) attributable to the slight reorganisation of space at basement level and the provision of a multi-storey car parking area at ground, first and second floor levels.   The scheme ranges in height from 2 to 4 storeys all over an existing basement level.    The development also includes:  the relocation of existing vehicular access / egress point via Whitehall Road West, the continued use of the existing vehicular access / egress point via Cromwellsfort Road and the continued use of pedestrian (including disabled) access;  the provision of all hard and soft landscaping;  lifts / travellators;  cycle parking;  plant areas;  associated signage;  changes in level;  boundary treatments;  associated elevational changes;  and all other associated site excavation and site development works above and below ground.   Decision Due on or before: 20-Jun-2011  
SD11A/0116 Reg. Date: 11-May-2011 Applicant’s Name: ADSIL Submission Type: New Application         Location: DUB 9, Greenhills Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Proposed Development: Retention for Phase 1 refurbishment of the existing warehouse facility, to construct screening of mechanical plant, to carry out ancillary site works and construct ancillary site facilities to the site.    The works under Planning Retention will consist of the following: (1) Phase 1 demolition of existing asbestos roof and replacement with new roof cladding;   (2) the demolition of an internal proportion of the existing building to allow for a new internal access road to the loading bay and future mechanical air handling equipment.   (3) the demolition of an existing external lean-to pallet storage facility to the west face of the building;   (4) demolition of a section of existing single storey auxiliary office building to the west.   (5) Phase 1 internal works to the existing facility consist of 6 no. rooms for electrical and electronic operations, Loading Bay, Workshop, Offices and Staff Welfare area;   (6) Phase 1 construction of a single storey security facility to the North elevation of the existing building;   (7) Phase 1 construction of new external wall cladding to a proportion of the North and West elevation of the building;   (8) Phase 1 screening to external mechanical air handling equipment and stand-by generator units;   (9) auxiliary sprinkler and storage water tanks, pump house and provision for a new oil storage tank. Permission for Phase 2 refurbishment of the existing warehouse facility, to construct screening of mechanical plant, to carry out ancillary site works and construct ancillary site facilities to the site.    The proposed works under Planning Permission will consist of the following:   (1) Phase 2 demolition of the existing asbestos roof and replacement with new roof cladding;   (2) Phase 2 construction to complete new cladding to North, South, East and West elevations of the building;   (3) Phase 2 construction of the plant screening to external Mechanical Air Handling and Stand-by Generator Units - the screen is to be constructed on the east, north, and west elevations of the facility;   (4) Phase 2 internal works to the existing facility will consist of 24 no. rooms for electrical and electronic operations and Staff Welfare area.   Decision Due on or before: 04-Jul-2011