Monday, June 13, 2011
Headed Item No 3b) (i)
Report of Sports SPC Meeting held on 4th May 2011
Members | Officials |
Cllr C King | Billy Coman, Director of Housing, Social and Community Development |
Cllr M Mc Donagh | Brian Sheehan, Senior Parks Superintendent |
Cllr D. Looney | Willie Sheils, Senior Executive Officer, Community |
Cllr B Lawlor | Yvonne Dervan, Senior Executive Officer, Parks |
Cllr P Cosgrave | Maire Ni Dhomhnaill, Project Manager, Environmental Services |
Cllr M Duff | |
Cllr E. Higgins | |
Cllr G Kenny | |
James Coughlan | |
Carmel McCartney | |
Sean Reid |
Apologies: Cllr T Ridge, Cllr. T. Delaney, C. Johnston
An Leas Meara Cllr. Cathal King presided.
1) Minutes of previous meeting held on 2nd of February 2011
Proposed: Cllr G. Kenny
Seconded: M. McDonagh
2) Matters arising.
3) Parks Bye-Laws
Presented by Yvonne Dervan, Senior Executive Officer
Yvonne Dervan informed the members that the Parks Department is currently reviewing its Bye-Laws and presented the draft by laws to the meeting. C. McCartney, S. Reid, Cllrs. King and McGrath contributed to a discussion on issues pertinent to the Bye-Laws and in particular queried dogs in Parks, how they are covered in the bye-laws and also the provision of specific areas for dogs with in the parks areas. B. Sheehan and Y. Dervan responded. The presentation was noted.
4) Changing Rooms Report
Presented by Brian Sheehan, Senior Parks Superintendent
Brian Sheehan made a detailed presentation to the members outlining the changing room facilities available in the Council’s parks for sports teams. Brian outlined the current position and the Council’s future strategy for the provision of such facilities. The TASC pavilion project and Collinstown Project were specifically referred to.
S .Reid, Cllrs. King, Looney and McGrath contributed to a discussion on the issue and commended the Parks Department for the proposal to construct new dressing rooms to service Collinstown Park. There was also specific request for the Council to consider other options such as second hand construction type buildings formerly used as site offices. Brian Sheehan responded to the issues raised, andthe presentation was noted.
5) Social Credits Scheme
Presented by Maire Ni Dhomhnaill, Project Manager, Environmental Services
Maire Ni Dhomhnaill made a presentation to the members which outlined the Social Credits Scheme and explained in detail what type of projects would be eligible to qualify for rewards under the Scheme, and how groups carrying out such tasks should apply.
A debate ensued covering the topics of time banking system, Carbon Credit Scheme, the need to develop local and regionally economies, parks and open space clean ups. C. McCartney, S. Reid, Cllrs. Higgins and Looney asked for examples of what type of rewards eligible groups might expect, and also enquired if there was a facility in the system to bank time. The queries raised were responded to. The members commended the system and Maire Ni Dhomhnaill responded to all queries raised. The presentation was noted.
6) A.O.B.
Cllr. King, chairing the meeting, noted that arising from the Competitive Business Sub-group, the County Manager would be making a presentation to the forthcoming Corporate Policy Group, and this was duly noted.
Cllr. King concluded by congratulating the Council on the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations held in Tallaght Stadium and invited the members to contact the relevant Council officials if they have any constructive criticism or ideas for future events on St. Patrick’s Day.
Meeting concluded at 6.50 pm.