Wednesday, May 18, 2011
HEADED ITEM: P. Department
Report on Working Group Meeting
B. Economic Policy (Development Contributions)- 5th May 2011
A meeting of the Economic Policy Working Group took place on May 5th 2011, chaired by Cllr Eamon Tuffy and attended by Cllrs C Jones, E Tuffy, W Lavelle, G O Connell and Mr Sean Giblin, Mr Garret Robinson and Mr Neil Durkan. Council officials present were F.Nevin, Director of Land Use Economic Development and Transport Planning, P.Hogan, Senior Planner and T.Shanahan, Administrative Officer.
The purpose of the meeting was to consider a motion submitted by Mr Neil Durkan to the SPC in April 7th SPC requesting a review of the Councils Contribution Scheme.
The wording of the motion is below;
“That the Economic Development & Planning SPC requires the local authority to initiate an immediate review of the Development Contribution Scheme 2010-2017 under S48 and S49 of the Planning & Development Act, and to adjust the development contribution rates appropriately in line with changed market values, in the interest of stimulating economic activity in the County.”
Frank Nevin, initiated the meeting emphasising that the S48 Contribution Scheme in place was adopted across the Dublin region and that it would be desirable to retain coherence in such Schemes. It was also stressed that the S48 scheme as adopted, acknowledges the changing financial climate at the time of adoption in late 2009 and that even if realising the full potential yield from current rates of development contribution, the scheme would still result in a €76 million shortfall in necessary funding for the infrastructure programme. Frank also outlined the function of the Working Group to discuss issues and bring recommendations to the SPC for further consideration, which if agreed, could then be brought to full Council for consideration. Finally he indicated that any amendment of scheme based on any work of SPC etc will require full consultation in respect of a new draft scheme prior to formal consideration and adoption by the Council, i.e. that the amendments alone cannot be adopted.
Paul Hogan delivered a presentation on the contribution schemes in place within the County, outlining the origins/background to the schemes, the performance of the schemes, trends in relevant indices and related data and highlighting a number of issues and conclusions which the group then considered further. Particular recommendations include retaining the existing S49 Scheme for the Kildare Route Project, commencing discussion with the RPA in respect of the existing S49 for Metro West, reverting indexation of the S48 to the Tender Price Index (TPI), examining the possibility of introducing an exemption from contributions for small scale commercial development up to a certain floor area threshold and seeking to incentivise prioritised development areas such as SDZs. Other recommendations include the possibility of linking residential development contributions to a proportion of average residential property values/construction cost subject to a minimum and maximum threshold and investigating the extent to which the value of commercial development that generates employment might be measured against development contributions, up to and including exemption.
Contributions then followed from various SPC members highlighting issues including:-
Frank Nevin indicated that the earliest likely date for a new scheme to be adopted is likely to be Spring 2012 and that a programme of work would be submitted to the SPC meeting on May 18 to be carried out during the summer months with a view to reporting to the first SPC in the Autumn;
Recommendations regarding the scope of intended work on reviewing the Schemes in the summer months are summarised as follows:-
Linkage to the Tender Price Index or other market indices within specified bands related to construction cost/property value;
Incentivised rates for desirable types development or development located in appropriate parts of the County;
Commercial rates to be reviewed in relation to possible exemption threshold similar to residential extensions and the value of employment potential.