Wednesday, April 20, 2011
MOTION: Councillor B. Bonner
That the Manager produce an update report on the housing in the estates of Meile an Ri, Tor an Ri and Buirg an Ri covering the following items
a. A detailed list of the works which require to be done in each housing unit
b. The cost of doing this work
c. The extent to which there is sufficient money to carry out the works and
d. Where any shortfall of money to do the work might be found.
There were 5 phases of construction initially proposed in the Balgaddy Scheme - Balgaddy 'A' (Buirg an Rí), Balgaddy 'B' & C (Méile an Rí), Balgaddy 'D' (not constructed) and Balgaddy 'E' (Tor an Rí). 400 units were built in these phases by Gama Construction Ltd. as main Contractor under a GDLA81 Government Contract for each phase.
To date South Dublin County Council and Gama Construction have completed a Contract Conciliation process on Balgaddy 'A' and 'B'. The Final Account for Balgaddy 'E is at an advanced stage. No agreement has been reached to date on the Final Account for Balgaddy 'C' and it is possible that this will also end in dispute and the necessity for a Conciliation / Arbitration process to complete the Final Account.
In the past year, a considerable amount of work has been carried out in Balgaddy by Council staff and Contractors to address building defects. A cross-departmental team has now been established by the Council to systematically evaluate our housing stock in Balgaddy and address all outstanding issues. Inspections are currently underway in prioritised households to establish the extent of works required and this process will be continued until all affected units are covered.
There are issues requiring remedial works throughout the Balgaddy scheme including window sashes, roof flashings and external plaster cracks. In line with a good deal of new housing the issue of condensation and mould growth arises as a result of increased insulation linked to decreased ventilation levels required by the revisions to the building regulations. In some cases condensation is a result of building fabric failure and in others by the pattern of tenant use.
A contract has been placed to install a pilot window-sash replacement programme in 14 units in the area. When the result of this pilot is evaluated, a contract will be advertised to undertake this work in all remaining affected units to address this problem. 5 houses are being tested using a range of demand-led ventilation systems in Balgaddy, these are already installed and under review. A dedicated construction team under the direction of the County Architect will commence work in the area in the coming month targeting particular building issues until these are resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.
The costs of these repairs (arising from outstanding building faults) have been offset (with the agreement of Gama Construction) against a sum of almost €0.5m owing to them on phases for which Final Accounts have been agreed. Final Accounts on remaining phases will not be agreed to by the Council until such time as the full extent and cost of works required to address building defects has been finally assessed.
Contact is being maintained with the local Balgaddy Working Together Group who are being kept informed of progress on the Council’s work programme. A progress report will in future be presented to the Clondalkin Area Committee in conjunction with the Housing Construction Report.