Monday, April 11, 2011
Following the introduction of the South Dublin County Council (Control of Parking) Bye Laws 2010 and at the request of the Members of the Council, a review of the first six months operation of the revised Bye Laws has been carried out.
Among the principal changes made by the adoption of the the South Dublin County Council (Control of Parking) Bye Laws 2010 was the introduction of controlled parking into the commercial centres of Tallaght and Templeogue and surrounding areas. Also, in response to demands from the business and residential comminities in certain areas, paid parking was introduced on a Monday to Saturday basis. All the changes have been monitored and their operation has been analysed to ensure that the most tailored system for each area in terms of managed parking could be achieved. Following further consultation it is proposed to make a number of minor modifications to the parking arrangements as set out below:
In Rathfarnham Village paid parking was introduced as requested on a Monday to Saturday basis and now includes the areas of Owendore Crescent, The Lakelands and The Woodlands.
Following consultation with traders regarding the introduction of Saturday paid parking and in order to free up valuable parking spaces in the village area and to improve usage of the Village Court parking area, it is proposed to introduce free parking on Saturdays in the Village Court car park. This proposal will have a number of beneficial effects and will assist businesses in the promotion of the village on Saturdays for the benefit of the overall business community in the village. Additional traffic measures are also being provided which will assist traffic flows in the village and these arrangements will be put in place (signs to the car park, for one way traffic flow, loading areas and some traffic assistance during village fairs) at the earliest opportunity.
In Owendore Crescent, and following extensive consultation with residents, The Members of the Rathfarnham Area Committee have recommended that the pay and display parking controls should remain without a limit on the number of permits issued to residents in regard to specific needs of that road. Permits will also be charged at first permit lower rate. The benefit to residents of the general removal of unwanted parking is thus maintained.
Pay and display parking was introduced in Templeogue, it operates on a Monday to Saturday basis. The area also includes Fortfield Park shopping area.
In order maximise use it is proposed to reduce the tariff in the Riverside Cottages car park to tariff ‘B’
Pay and display parking was introduced in Tallaght, it operates on a Monday to Saturday basis. The area also includes Westpark and the Oldbawn car park.
The introduction of controlled parking in the residential area of Westpark has been well received since been made operational. Residents are delighted that the unwanted parking in their estate is now being controlled.
The areas of Old Greenhills Road and Oldbawn Car Park are under utilised and it is proposed to reduce the tariff to tariff ‘B’ on Old Greenhills Road and to propose in the interests of the business community to introduce free parking on Saturday for Old Greenhills Road and Oldbawn Car Park. Some additional and appropriate loading bays are also to be provided to assist with commercial requirements. In the immediate past a request has been received from residents on the roads surrounding Oldbawn Road Car Park that consideration be given to the introduction of parking control measures in these areas. It is proposed to carry out a study of the locations and to make further recommendations to the Members as part of the next Review of the Bye Laws.
Cashless Parking Service:
The Council is at present in discussions with its sister authorities in Dublin Region, on the introduction of a cashless pay parking system. It will be based on the mobile phone payment ‘Parking Tag’ system which has been successfully piloted and introduced in Dublin City centre. The new system will be interoperable across each local authority in the region and should be of considerable benefit to those who conduct businness throughout the region.. In order to introduce this cashless payment system it will be necessary to make a number of changes and modifications to the Control of Parking Bye Laws. These changes will require that Draft Bye Laws be prepared and presented to the Members later this year and a full consultative process undertaken prior to their adoption. This process will also offer a further opportunity to Members to raise any further concerns which may have arisen since the last review.
Accordingly it is necessary for the Members of the Council to approve of the changes proposed in the foregoing report and the following motion will be required:
"We, the Members of South Dublin County Council hereby approve and adopt the changes, as set out in the foregoing report of the County Manager, to the South Dublin County Council (Control of Parking) Bye Laws 2010".