Monday, April 11, 2011
MOTION: Councillor T. Ridge
That an update be given re Geothermal site at Greenogue Newcastle.
In November 2010 Planning Permission was granted under Reg. Ref. SD10A/0283 for construction of a 4.5 megawatt geothermal electricity generation plant. The permission is subject to 34 conditions) The development incorporates the following:
· Drilling of two wells (production and injection) to a depth of 4,000 metres for extraction and re-injection of hot thermal fluids; the two wells will be used permanently during operational phase of the project
· A detached warehouse type to house modular geothermal power system, 675 sq m floor area and 9.54 metres in height, including approximately 41 sq m office space and a well head enclosure building, 110 sq m floor
area and 3.51m in height
· Water attenuation tank, entrance, boundary fencing and site development works
The permission also includes temporary construction works to be carried out over a period of approximately 12 months include:
· A 42 metre high drilling rig mounted on a working pad
· A drilling mud circulation system, 8 metres in height including an attenuation pond and drill cuttings storage pond, covered with pond netting.
The Geothermal Energy Bill is now in draft form, its major features include:
· Definition of Geothermal Energy
· Giving effect to state ownership of geothermal energy
· Providing for licences for exploration and production of geothermal resources similar to that for minerals
· Provides for a register of geothermal development
The Council has also begun the process of preparing a Sustainable Energy Action Plan for the County (SEAP) as required by the South Dublin County Development Plan 2010-2016. The purpose of the SEAP is to show how the Council can achieve its CO2 reduction target by 2020. It is required to include actions concerning both the public and private sector operating within the geographical area of the plan. The potential for the development of geothermal energy in the county will be considered in scenario testing as a renewable energy action.
It is noted that the Government for National Recovery 2011-2016 document states : "We will legislate to support the geothermal energy sector"
No Commencement Notice has been received for the development to date.