south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


MOTION: Councillor E. Tuffy

Cathaoirleach's Business

That this Committee acknowledges the difficulties experienced by residents of Palmerstown Avenue, particularly at the lower end of the Avenue, whose houses back onto the laneway adjacent to the main N4 road, including graffiti, illegal dumping, litter, and other anti-social behaviour and requests information on what measures have the Council taken to address these problems, including improving the treatment of the boundary between the laneway and the N4, down to the Oval exit onto the main road, and for a comprehensive report on addressing problems which have persisted over many years.


It is acknowledged that this area has undoubtedly required ongoing attention of this Department over a number of years as a result of the anti-social activities of youths congregating there as well as the dumping of refuse and other materials in the walkways there.  However, local residents maintain very regular contact with the local Litter Warden who reports that she responds promptly to residents' contacts about the area to arrange inspections and removal of material as necessary. In addition, the area is patrolled and inspected by the local Litter Warden on an ongoing basis and has also been visited by the Council's Cleansing Section and Graffiti Removal Crew when required with the Parks Department also cleaning and maintaining the planted areas and public open spaces.

The Environmental Services Department has responsibility for graffiti removal from public property and cleansing of roads/pathways.  It should be noted that major boundary treatments are not provided for in the Environmental Services Budget and additionally some laneways will not be prioritised for graffiti removal due to budgetary constraints.   However, the Parks Department report that they are currently preparing to commence some planting works along the boundary area at the Oval between the N4 and the laneway behind Palmerstown Avenue.

The issues at this location may benefit from a response across Council Departments and the Environmental Services Department will contribute to this response in so far its responsibilities allow and in consultation with the local Members and other relevant Departments.