Monday, March 21, 2011
QUESTION: Councillor D. Looney
"To ask the Manager to report on progress in the area under the remit of this Committee of the ASH, CBLS and other new or updated housing initiatives, and to make a statement on the matter?"
Applicant Sourced Homes.
To date, 220 expressions of interest have been recieved from owners of properties within the Tallaght Area Committee's area to have their properties considered for inclusion in the Social Housing Leasing Initiative of which 28 were sourced by way of the ASH programme.
The properties proposed cover a broad range of unit types and are at varying locations within the Committee area. A total of 132 of these properties were made available by the owners for Council inspection for compliance with leasing standards of which 60 cases including 6 ASH cases reamain in progress. These properties are now at various stages of assessment and inspection for suitability for inclusion in the Leasing scheme.
Lease agreements have been finalised in the case of 20 properties including 4 ASH cases and have been made available for tenanting.
It is anticipated that the leasing initiative will gather momentum as a source of social housing provision for housing applicants as the availability of standard Council owned property declines and as central capital funds continue to be directed towards provision of social housing through leasing. The leasing target agreed for the Council with the Department of the Environment Heritage and Local Government for this year is 200.
Choiced Based Lettings.
Since July 2010 the Council advertised 50 vacant dwellings, 33 in Tallaght South and 17 in Clondalkin. The outcomes are detailed below.
Area | No. Advertised | Allocated CBL | Allocated Offer – for Priority Cases | Allocated by Offer due to length of vacancy – No Expressions of Interest received | Tenant Sourced – dwelling under relet repairs | No Expression of Interest received to be re-advertised |
Tallaght | 33 | 17 | 6 | 2 | 5 | 3 |
Clondalkin | 17 | 10 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 0 |