south dublin county council crest


Monday, February 21, 2011


QUESTION: Councillor D. Looney

"To ask the Manager to provide an update on the planned activities for the St Patrick's Day Festival in the area under the remit of this Committee, and to make a statement on the matter?"


There has been no formal St. Patrick’s Day celebration in Tallaght for many years and the Council, along with the people of Tallaght, is now making arrangements to mark St. Patrick’s Day this year. An event will take place in Tallaght Stadium.

At least three local marching bands will perform at Tallaght Stadium. Local sports clubs and outstanding individual sports people will be taking part, as well as a wide range of community groups and dancers. The event will close with a performance by the local St. Laurence O'Toole Pipe Band, the current world champions, followed immediately afterwards by a fireworks display. 

The idea is to involve as many members of the local community as reasonably possible in a participatory role, and at the same time to provide entertainment for those attending the event as spectators.

All local clubs and groups will have the opportunity to submit an expression of interest in taking part in the celebrations. However, places will have to be limited.   

Tallaght Stadium is a county venue that many people will be familiar with through the football matches and several other sporting and Community events that have taken place there since it opened two years ago. However, there are many people who have never been to the facility and this gives them a great opportunity to see first-hand what a magnificent facility it is, and most importantly, that it is a community facility for the people of South Dublin, as well as being a venue for top-class sport.

Anyone who wishes to attend the celebrations will be able to do so free of charge.  We hope to provide an opportunity for the people to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day in the comfort of the Stadium, in a safe and secure environment and protected (to a certain degree) from the elements. It is envisaged that practically all the entertainment will be provided by local people. 

Prior to the events inside the Stadium, it is planned to have local electric bands play in the Stadium car park. This will last approximately ninety minutes, while the events inside the Stadium are expected to last a further ninety minutes.