south dublin county council crest


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


MOTION: Councillor T. Gilligan

That the Manager present a report on how many jobs has the Think Local Initiative created in the Clondalkin Electoral Area and what was the cost to the Council in terms of capital, resources, labour or otherwise.


THINK LOCAL is an initiative of the South Dublin County Development Board which intends to create and develop community awareness of the advantages and benefits of supporting local business and community facilities.  THINK LOCAL promotes and helps sustain both economic and community vitality in South Dublin County.  The County Development Board believe that if the Community who live, work, study and do business in the County rallies around other local businesses, services and community facilities in the County everyone can benefit.  This initiative helps sustain existing jobs within the County and encourages the general community to be involved.

In 2010 the County Development Board developed a website advertising this campaign, local media advertising and also produced two sets of posters, one in the Spring and another specifically asking residents to THINK LOCAL when doing their Christmas shopping and socialising.  Organisations and businesses have also used the THINK LOCAL logo in some of their websites and promotional material.

In 2011 it is planned to have a brochure at St. Patricks Weekend advertising events that are available throughout the County and a competition is being organised in conjunction with Comhairle na nóg to raise awareness and the benefits of the campaign among young people living in this County.

It is not possible to quantify what jobs have been saved as a result of this campaign.  However by raising awareness of the benefits of supporting local business and community facilities it cannot but help sustain jobs.  The support of the members in distributing posters and highlighting the campaign is appreciated. 

The cost of the website, advertising  and production of posters was covered by the Council and came to approximately €6,500 and the Chamber of Commerce covered the cost of distribution of posters among a large number businesses in South Dublin County.  However staff in both the Council, CDB Executive, Chamber of Commerce and Local Development Agencies were involved in 2010 and are committed to this campaign for 2011.