south dublin county council crest


Monday, January 10, 2011


QUESTION: Councillor W. Lavelle

To ask the Manager to provide a detailed breakdown of all housing units acquired by SDCC from private developers in each of 2009 & 2010 and likely to be acquired in 2011, to include details on the location of scheme, the developer and the price paid; and to ask the Manager to further confirm that no monies to acquire housing units have been paid to developers who have yet to pay outstanding development contributions?


The list hereunder detail all part V acquisitions in 2009 and 2010.   In regards 2011 the Council is currently negotiating the completion of Part V arrangements in respect of a number of developments in the County in accordance with the legislative requirement.   Given current housing market conditions it is difficult to provide an estimate of when these developments  may be completed, the number of units which may be acquired under Part V arrangements or the prices which might be agreed. Part V agreements are contractual agreements that the Council is obliged to honour.

The Councils Development Contributions Schemes exempt units provided in accordance with Part V of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) from a requirement to pay development contributions.

In addition it is also proposed to purchase one off 1 bed units in 2011 for homeless allocation and this will be funded by the DOELGH from a special fund.  The numbers and prices of these purchases has yet to be finalised

In respect of leasing schemes such as RAS and other recent schemes, there is liaison between the Planning and Housing Departments to ensure that developers/individuals who owe development contributions are not admitted to such schemes. In this regard already this year some developers have been refused admission to such schemes due to non-compliance with the relevant planning conditions.

The setting off of payments in respect of units to be purchased by the Council (against development contributions owing) in one particular case is also currently being examined.

Social/Affordable units purchased into stock by SDCC under Part V arrangements
Development name/location  Developer no. of homes acquired total value
Cornerpark Opus Developments 10 €1,950,000.00
Slade Castle GaryAron Homes 34 €7,650,000.00
Stocking Lane Deane Homes 40 €10,241,020.00
Weaver Court L.T construction 8 €1,182,000.00
Newcastle Lyons Maplewood Homes 31 €7,072,000.00
The Paddock's Maplewood Homes 4 €968,000.00
Eaton Rathcoole Stanley's 4 €980,000.00
Blackthorn Hill Close Durkan New Homes 1 €138,842.00
St. Edmund's Glenkerrin Homes 3 €650,000.00
Stocking Lane Deane Homes 21 €4,823,950.00
Citywest Plaza Place Properties 4 €620,500.00
College Drive, Terenure Jackie Green Construction Ltd 23 €5,236,920.00
Millrace  William Neville & Sons Construction 4 €1,005,673.00