south dublin county council crest


Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Planning Files

B. Files requested by members


Cllr. William Lavelle :

                      Reg Ref:    SD09A/0161  
Applicant: Barkhill Ltd. (et al)  
Date Received: 06-Nov-2009  
Location: Liffey Valley Shopping Centre, Clondalkin, Dublin 22  
Development: Permission for the duration of 10 years for mixed use retail, commercial and civic/community developments adjacent to the existing built area of Liffey Valley Shopping Centre. The proposed development, described as Liffey Valley Town Centre Phase 2, comprises 2 primary elements:  a retail extension (60745sq.m. gross floor area) and a new Civic Quarter (7792sq.m. gross floor area) with a total combined gross floor area of 68537sq.m.  The area within the site boundaries is 18.08 hectares. The retail extension includes retail outlets (c. 38302sq.m.), food and beverage outlets (c.3796sq.m.), non-retail service outlets (c.3026sq.m.) with associated service, storage, management, toilet and circulation accommodation, provided in 8 primary buildings, arranged alongside 1 covered street and 1 open street  extending southeastwards from the existing shopping centre. The retail extension buildings are generally 3 storey retail scale in height arranged to address streets and plazas including a covered street with a glazed roof (20.8m maximum over ground level) having glass louvered openable vents along each side, an open street and a retail plaza linking both streets on the south side.    The Civic Building is 4 storeys (19.95m) high over basement level and accommodates a public library, community facilities, commercial offices (1265sq.m.) and centre management suites, food and beverage outlets, enterprise units, citizen support services and public service unit, with associated circulation, storage and toilet facilities, in a building located northwest of the existing buildings of the Liffey Valley Shopping Centre and displacing existing surface carparking.     The proposed development includes underground car parking under the Civic Building, additional car  parking spaces at surface level and  a multi-storey carpark (16.15m high) on 5 levels located east of the retail extension area.     The primary development proposals are located on lands encompassed within the Liffey Valley Ring Road defined by Bothair an Life and Ascail an Life.  Road and junction improvements and pedestrian crossings are proposed along Bothair an Life extending from its junction with Fonthill Road to its junction with Coldcut Road; at the junction of Coldcut Road with Fonthill Road; at the N4/Fonthill Road off-ramp, where lane improvements are proposed; and south of the pedestrian over bridge on Ascail an Life. The development also includes the re-alignment of the south eastern section of Ascail an Life.     Approximately, 1,530sq.m. of the existing buildings are to be demolished to facilitate redevelopment. Access to service yards is from existing private roads within the Liffey Valley Centre. The proposal includes all associated service yards, plant and equipment, including combined heat and power (CHP) plant, electricity substations, street lighting, public transport hub, landscaping and boundary treatments.    This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) The planning application and EIS may be inspected or purchased, at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy. The co-applicants for this application are Quarryvale Two Ltd., Quarryvale Three Ltd., Grosvenor Quarryvale Ltd. and Anna Livia Properties Ltd.      
Decision Due: 08-Jan-2010

        Decision Details: Decision: GRANT PERMISSION
  Decision Date: 04-Jan-2010
  Final Grant Issued:  
  AppealDecision Refuse Permission
  Appeal Lodged on 29-Jan-2010
  Appeal Decision Date: 02-Nov-2010

 Cllr. William Lavelle :

                      Reg Ref:    SD09A/0162  
Applicant: Barkhill Limited  
Date Received: 02-Nov-2009  
Location: Liffey Valley Shopping Centre, Clondalkin, Dublin 22  
Development: 2/3 storey height retail development (18.7m over ground level) on this site of 3.22 hectares. The proposed development has a total gross floor area of c.11,787sq.m. and will consist of the construction of:   (a) a retail structure with a retail anchor unit of c. 9767sq.m. gross floor area (3500sq.m. convenience net sales area and c.2998sq.m. comparison net sales area) including alcohol sales area, ancillary administration offices, staff facilities, bulk store and cage marshalling area at first floor level;  (b) a cafe on the first floor;  (c) circulation space to include an atrium at ground and first floor levels;  (d) signage;  (e) service yard at first floor level;  (f) 654 no. car parking spaces to be provided at grade, part under first floor retail;  (g) the re-alighment of the existing Ascail an Life Road; (h) ESB substation and all ancillary plant, landscaping, site works and services all on a site of 3.22ha to the southeast of Liffey Valley Shopping Centre. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy. Significant Additional Information:  amendments to the design, layout and position on site of the proposed retail structure including:  (i) alterations to the western site boundary to incorporate a portion of the north-south pedestrain boulevard within the site;  (ii)  provision of an additional 722sq.m. of ground floor space for future retail/service units along the western facade;  (iii)  1 no. ground floor retail unit of 123sq.m. gross at the northwestern corner;   (iv)  additional entrance points on the northern facade;   (v)  alterations to the design of the northwest corner at first floor level and addition of a southwest corner feature;   (vi)  alterations to facade materials throughout;   (vii)  revised signage proposals;   (viii)  alterations to the service yard and access ramp and associated landscaping.  
Decision Due: 05-Jan-2010

        Decision Details: Decision: GRANT PERMISSION
  Decision Date: 04-Jan-2010
  Final Grant Issued:  
  AppealDecision Refuse Permission
  Appeal Lodged on 28-Jan-2010
  Appeal Decision Date: 02-Nov-2010

 Cllr. William Lavelle :

                      Reg Ref:    SD10A/0331  
Applicant: B. Creavin  
Date Received: 04-Nov-2010  
Location: Lucan Newlands Road, Dublin 22  
Development: A lawn cemetery comprising 3,461 no. plots;  a single storey management building (93sq.m.);  a toilet building (23sq.m.);  a storage building (68sq.m.);  columbarium wall (2m in height);  40 no. car parking spaces (includes 3 no. disabled parking spaces);  1 no. new vehicular entrance off Lucan Newlands Road and vehicular pathways, realignment and partial culverting of underground drainage pipe to enhance the existing watercourse;  provision of a water feature and contemplative area;  landscaping works including boundary treatment;  all other necessary site development, excavation works and associated development on site south of new Esker burial grounds close to Cherbury Park and abutting the N4 Lucan By-Pass and Vesey Park, Lucan.  
Decision Due: 07-Jan-2011

        Decision Details: Decision:  
  Decision Date:  
  Final Grant Issued:  
  Appeal Lodged on  
  Appeal Decision Date:  


Cllr. William Lavelle :

                      Reg Ref:    SD10A/0325  
Applicant: Gael Scoil Eiscir Riada  
Date Received: 02-Nov-2010  
Location: Griffeen Road, Lucan, Co. Dublin  
Development: Temporary accommodation for Primary School consisting of 11 classrooms, toilets, staff room and 2 offices with new entrance, access road and car parking at east side of existing Gael Scoil Eiscir Riada.
Decision Due: 05-Jan-2011

        Decision Details: Decision:  
  Decision Date:  
  Final Grant Issued:  
  Appeal Lodged on  
  Appeal Decision Date: