Tuesday, November 23, 2010
MOTION: Councillor D. Keating
That the Manager would present a detailed report for discussion on the grass cutting programme for 2011 in the Lucan area. Specifically would the Manager report in detail on areas within our parks, open spaces etc., that have not as yet been taken-in-charge by this Council, or are currently in the process of being taken-in-charge by this Council, and that have been the subject of great inconvenience to local residents, Residents Associations etc., owing to great difficulties and delays in having these grasses areas cut on a regular basis.
The anticipated frequency of grass cutting in Lucan for 2011 during the summer months will be 14 working days. While every effort will be made to achieve this frequency, it is important to note that cutting grass is dependant on a range of factors including other works on hand, staff resources available, weather conditions and machinery breakdowns, all of which can impact on the frequency and extend the cutting intervals. Notwithstanding the above, every effort will be made to allocate the resources available within the Park's Department on a prioritised basis to maximum effect, to ensure that the grass maintenance across the Lucan Area is to the highest possible standard. In this regard, priority will be given to the maintenance of playing fields to ensure that they are available for play.
Where grass has not been cut, it is generally because the open spaces in question are not in charge of the Council.
In terms of the issues over the condition of grass verges etc in Tullyhall, Rossberry and Haydens Park, a senior member of the Park's Department met the developers involved in each estate in June of this year and the following was agreed;
Tullyhall: Following meetings in June 2009, the developer has accepted that he is to attend to a number of minor issues in relation to replacement trees and areas prone to water retention and to prepare documents for a Deed of Transfer of the open space by the end of September 2009.
Rossberry: This open space within this development is in charge. The area referred to off Griffeen Avenue has been the subject of discussion with the developer of the estate for some time and outstanding works that the Council has requested to be undertaken have been carried out to the satisfaction of the Parks and Landscape Services Department. The only remaining impediment to Taking in Charge of this area is the submission of the necessary documentation by the developer. It now appears that the required documentation was to be submitted as part of a previous submission of documentation relevant to other areas adjacent to this particular site and that due to a misunderstanding this was not done. The developer is now arranging for this matter to be brought to a conclusion shortly. Prior to the taking in charge of the open space by the Council any signage will be removed by the developer. The Council has also requested that the area be maintained in a proper manner until the Taking in Charge process is completed.
Hayden's Park: The open space in this estate is in charge. However, one grass margin on the entrance road from Griffeen Avenue has to be reinstated. The developer has agreed to carry out this work by the end of September 2009.
Johns bridge: the Council is continuing to liaise with the developer to have the open spaces taken in charge.
Griffeen Glen: the Council is continuing to liaise with the developer to have the open spaces taken in charge.