Tuesday, November 23, 2010
QUESTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
To ask the Manager if he will request the Park's Department to inspect trees in Sarsfield Park Estate, including trees in private gardens overhanging the footpaths) to establish if there are locations where tree branches/foliage are interfering with ESB wires (connecting public lamps, or otherwise) or are seriously reducing the effectiveness of the public lights in illuminating the footpaths/roads in the estate, and carry out any pruning which is warranted to eliminate the problem?
The Arboricultural Works Programme for 2010/2011 is currently under preparation and will be presented to the Elected Members following the adoption of the 2011 Estimates.
In preparing the 2009/2010 Arboricultural Programme, priority was given to tree pruning and removal on an estate by estate basis rather than on an individual tree basis. While this approach has proved to be efficient and effective in making the best use of the available resources, it did mean that some areas had to be prioritised over others. It is intended to use the same approach again this year.
It should be noted that the list of estates being considered for inclusion in the 2010/2011 programme is large and it will not be possible to include every estate. The programme of works to be undertaken will be as extensive as the Council's resources and financial capacity will permit in the current economic climate. It is therefore intended to prioritise the work on an estate by estate basis, based on tree management principles and good arboricultural practice. Priority will be given where works are required as a matter of urgency in the interests of public safety.
An inspection of trees growing on public lands in Sarsfield Park Estate will be undertaken and any works considered necessary to improve public lighting will be listed for consideration in the draft Arboricultural Programme.
In relation to trees interfering with overhead power lines, the ESB undertake such maintenance work directly because of the health & safety issues involved.
Where trees are growing on private property and causing a hazard or obstruction to public footpaths, these should be reported to the Roads Department who can serve notice on the property owner to address the issue under Section 70 of the Roads Act 1993.