south dublin county council crest


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Planning Files

A. Large applications under consideration


SD10A/0283 Reg. Date: 23-Sep-2010 Applicant’s Name: Newcastle Energy Ltd. Submission Type: New Application         Location: Site 646, Greenogue Business Park, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin Proposed Development: Construction of a 4.5 MW geothermal electricity generation plant comprising a 9.5m high, 675sq.m. building;  2 x 4000m deep wells (production and injection);  3.51m high, 110sq.m. enclosure;  external air cooling fans;  underground water attenuation tank;  8 no. car parking spaces;  formation of a new vehicular access and ancillary works including the erection of a 2.5m high boundary paladin fence;  paving;  hydrocarbon interceptor;  ESB compound (2.6m high, 9sq.m.) and site development works within a planning application area of 3.5ha on a site previously granted planning permisison for 2 no. light industrial buildings (Register Reference SD07A/0580).  Temporary construciton phase works to consist of a 42m high drilling rig mounted on a working pad, drilling mud circulation system (including an attenuation pond and drill cuttings storage area), covered water tank, 4 no. diesel generators, bunded diesel storage tank, cement silos;  containerised compound for offices, canteen, workshops and portaloo toilets. An Environmental Impact Statement has been submitted in connection with this application. Decision Due on or before: 17-Nov-2010  

SD10A/0289 Reg. Date: 29-Sep-2010 Applicant’s Name: G. Smith & R. Massey Submission Type: New Application         Location: Calliaghstown Lower, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin Proposed Development: A cemetery comprising 2042 no. plots;  a single storey management building (89sq.m.) which will comprise of management office, public toilets and secure store and screened storage area;  a septic tank, percolation area and well.  The development will also include 100 no. car parking spaces (40 of which will comprise overflow parking);  access road;  landscaping;  entrance gates and walls;  boundary treatments;  changes in level and all other necessary site development and excavation works above and below ground.  The development will be served by one new vehicular access which will replace the existing 3 no. access points currently serving the lands.  The development will also include the demolition of 2 no. agricultural buildings (583sq.m.) and 1 no. derelict agricultural structure (32sq.m.) on site principally bounded by: a local road and existing dwelling to the west,  the Calliaghstown Riding centre and agricultural lands to the north and east and agriculatural lands and an existing dwelling to the south. Decision Due on or before: 23-Nov-2010  

SD10A/0328 Reg. Date: 03-Nov-2010 Applicant’s Name: Natural Energy & Recycling Ltd Submission Type: New Application         Location: Tay Lane, Greenogue, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin Proposed Development: Change of use from a grain store to a dry recyclable baling facility with a capacity of 20,000 tonnes per annum. The development consists of the provision of internal works to the existing building. There will be no external works to the existing building. Access to the facility is via the existing site entrance. The floor area of the existing building is 2,160sq.m. Retention is sought for a 10 year period. Decision Due on or before: 06-Jan-2011