Wednesday, November 17, 2010
MOTION: Councillor T. Delaney
That this Committee asks the Manager to set up a working group to investigate ways to improve Clondalkin Village for both the general public and the business community. This group could comprise of elected reps, various relevant Council department staff and interested local bodies. I submit this motion in the knowledge that we are awaiting for a new 'village renewal scheme' and the probability that financial constraints are likely to further delay any implementation of an approved plan.
There are three elements to this motion, the establishment of a working group, clarity in relation to a village renewal scheme and the delivery of an approved plan for Clondalkin.
Working Group
The Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) at their meeting on 11 November 2010 decided to set up a working group to investigate ways to improve Village Centres in Lucan, Tallaght and Rathfarnham. The Committee decided to focus on these three centres initially.
Village Renewal Scheme – financial constraints
In the summer of 2008, the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DoEHLG) was in the process of developing a scheme as an aim of the National Development Plan 2007-2013 for areas in need of renewal in the designated Gateway and Hub cities and towns. It was hoped that this scheme would have been announced by the Minister in the Summer of 2008. This announcement did not occur and there is unlikely to be funding available to accommodate a scheme of this nature in the short to medium term.
Clondalkin Framework Plan – ‘approved plan’
Specific Local Objective (SLO) 43 of the South Dublin County Council Development Plan 2010 – 2016 is to prepare a Plan for the Clondalkin Town Centre area with a view to improving amenities and transport while, at the same time, ensuring that new developments respect the amenity of existing developments. The Clondalkin Framework Plan was drafted further to Specific Local Objective 43 and will soon be on public display. Interested parties are invited to make submissions as part of a public consultation process. It is envisaged that a briefing and manager’s report will be provided to the elected members of the Lucan and Clondalkin Area Committees prior to noting and approving the Plan.