south dublin county council crest


Monday, November 08, 2010


QUESTION: Councillor W. Lavelle

To ask the Manager to advise if this council has established, or is planning to establish, an ‘Unfinished Housing Developments Team’ to prepare prioritised actions and to assist in developing Site Resolution Plans in conjunction with developers, banks, receivers and NAMA, as recommended at the recent publication of the National Housing Development Survey?


Officials of  South Dublin County Council worked with the Department in the preperation of the Survey and continue to be in contact with the Department in this regard. Set out below is an analysis of the survey findings in relation to South Dublin.

The Summer 2010 DoEH&LG survey indicates that are a total of 2,016 recently built housing units vacant or under construction in the SDCC area.  This equates to less than 2% of housing stock in the County and is less than 1 years required supply of housing to meet Regional Planning Guidelines and County Development Plan growth expectations.  A total of 1,286 or 64% f the 2,016 units in South Dublin are complete and vacant and the remainder (36%) are at various stages of construction. 

In SDCC figure there are 2,016 dwellings vacant or under construction. The figures for the adjoining authorities are :

The greatest number of the 1,286 complete and vacant dwelling units in South Dublin are located in Tallaght (586) Citywest-Saggart (286) and Adamstown (139).  It must be noted however, that almost all the units in Tallaght are located in the Tallaght Cross East and West Developments (561), currently in receivership, awaiting sale.  The Citywest-Saggart figure is spread over 7 different developments prior to the completion of the Luas extension and the Adamstown figure must be related to the 1,215 complete and occupied units in the Adamstown development as a whole.   

Of the 730 dwellings at various stages of construction in South Dublin, the greatest number are located in Tallaght (348), with the bulk of these in two developments, Bancroft Centre (150) and Respond (154).  The Council is in discussion with the Developer of the Bancroft Centre and the Respond Development is for a housing association that is proceeding to completion.  Other significant developments under construction in South Dublin include the St. Lomans site in Lucan (122 units) and the Adamstown development area (92).

 Whilst the greatest number of complete but vacant or units under construction are located in Tallaght, this is principally in four developments.  The survey also identifies a further 1,000 occupied homes that were recently completed in the Tallaght Town Centre

As indicated above a cross departmental team has been meeting with recievers in relation to the developments that are in that position. In terms of developments that may be in NAMA this Council will be avaialable to meet with, and provide, the apprpriate information/advice in relation to individual schemes as required by NAMA.