south dublin county council crest


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


QUESTION: Councillor P. Kearns

"To ask the Manager for an update on the most recent information on the licensing of the masts at the Badminton Hall on Whitehall Road?"


Planning permission for the following proposal was granted under Reg. Ref. SD05A/0841 on 18/1/2006; “Retention permission for an already existing base station installation consisting of 6no.  panel antennas and 1no.  link dish all mounted on 2 offset poles, together with associated telecommunications equipment.”

This permission was granted for a period of 5 years.

Planning permission for the following proposal was granted by An Bord Pleanala under Reg. Ref. SD05A/1066 & PL 06S.216795 on 31/10/2006; “The installation of 3 no. antenna, 1 no. radio link dish at roof level, associated equipment and outdoor equipment cabinet at ground level for a new 3G broadband network.”

This permission was also granted for a period of 5 years.

A further planning permission for retention was granted under Reg. Ref. SD06A/0080 on 18/5/2006 to “Retain existing 3 no. panel antennas, 1 no. transmission dish and 1 no. associated equipment cabin for telecommunications purpose.”

This permission also has a life of 5 years from the date of the Final Grant of Permission.

Planning permission was granted under Reg. Ref. SD06A/0786 on 12/12/2006 for the following proposed development; “Erection of 3 no. antenna, 2 no. dishes at roof level, associated equipment and cabinets at ground level for a broadband network.

The above permission was granted for a period of 5 years from the date of the Grant of Permission.

As the planning permissions are still valid, there is no enforcement action open to the Planning Authority in relation to seeking the removal of the permitted antennae, dishes and associated equipment at this time.

Where a mast or antennae is erected under the exempted development regulations, planning permission is not required.  The Planning Authority are notified of the telecommunication provider's intention to erect a mast/ antennae in compliance with the exempted development regulations, and the Planning Authority ensure that what is proposed can be considered to be exempt development. 

Should a mast or antennae be erected in non-compliance with the exempted development regulations, planning permission is required. 

The Planning Authority has no role in the licencing of telecommunication providers.