Monday, October 11, 2010
QUESTION: Councillor C. King
To ask the Manager to report what costs have been associated with grass cutting this year and compare this with the same associated costs for last year 2009?
The Council maintains approximately 1,820 hectares (4,500 acres) of open space and parkland which is in the charge of the Council. This is comprised of approximately 1330 ha. (3,300 acres) of regional, neighbourhood and local parks and residential open spaces, 200 ha. (500 acres) of playing fields, and 280 ha. (700 acres) of roadside verges and margins.
Priority is given to grass cutting during the season, which extends from March to October each year, allowing for seasonal variations. The grass cutting operation involves the deployment of 80% of the staff of the Parks & Landscape Services Department (excluding park rangers and craft worker staff) on a fleet of 75 grass-cutting machines ranging in size from the largest 16-ft. roller mowers to the smaller ride-on mowers. All of the machines are fully employed throughout the season, having regard to factors such as staff training, annual leave and machinery repairs.
The 2010 grass cutting season has approximately 4 – 6 weeks left to run and at this stage, the costs are broadly in line with those incurred in 2009.
The costs for the 2009 grass cutting season were as follows:
Labour - €2,370,000
Machinery - €512,000
Fuel - €69,500
The total cost for 2009 was €2,951,500 and it is anticipated that the final costs for 2010 will be of the same order. The reason for this is that the numbers of staff and machinery involved in the operation are the same. The only other factor that varies is the cost of fuel which is determined by the wholesale market. As can be seen from the figures above, while the cost of fuel is a significant item, variations in fuel costs do not have a major bearing on the overall annual cost of grass cutting.
Four 16 foot mowers were also purchased in 2010 to replace four 8 foot mowers with a view to improving efficiencies. It is considered that the larger machines have had a positive impact on grass cutting operations this year and have generated considerable efficiencies in the areas where they were deployed.