Monday, October 11, 2010
HEADED ITEM: H. Department
The vision contained in the Homeless Agency’s Action Plan 2007 – 2010 is for the ending of long-term homelessness and the need for people to sleep rough in Dublin by the end of 2010.
The Council is obliged under the Pathways Model for the elimination of homelessness to provide for homeless persons from its administrative area presenting to the Council from 2010 onwards. The Council has established a Homeless Unit to provide for the assessment and placement, where necessary, of homeless persons presenting to the Council into supported accommodation suited to their needs. A property has been identified by the Council at Liscarne Gardens, Clondalkin which is considered suitable for use as a short-term accommodation facility. Plans have been developed for such use. The proposed facility is designed to provide accommodation for 8 persons with relatively low support needs. It is not envisaged that those with acute drug or alcohol dependency issues would be accommodated at the proposed facility. The Council will enter into a service level agreement with an experienced organisation with a view to the management of the facility along with the provision of required supports to the residents.
Having regard to the nature of the proposed facility and the proposed change of use, the public notification procedure under Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 - 2008 was enacted by way of the publication of a public notice in the national press on 30th July 2010.
Pursuant to the requirements of the above, notice was given of the proposal to alter, extend and refurbish two existing houses to 8 Units of Supported Temporary Accommodation at:
2 & 4 Liscarne Gardens, Neilstown Road, Clondalkin,
Dublin 22
Drawings of the proposed extension were on public display at the Headquarters of South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24, at the Civic Offices in Clondalkin, Dublin 22, and on during the period from 30th July 2010 to 10th September 2010.
The latest date for the receipt of submissions or observations was 4.30pm on Friday 24th September 2010.
Three submissions in relation to the proposal were submitted from the following:
Councillor Trevor Gilligan
Senator Frances Fitzgerald
Liscarne Action Group.
Councillor Gilligan does not support any proposals for a homeless shelter at 2/4 Liscarne Gardens and cannot think of a worse location due to many factors. He indicates that SuperValu have indicated that it would have an impact on them staying in the area. Councillor Gilligan further states that there are local schools nearby and that it will also have an impact on local residents within the Liscarne Estate. He therefore wants to give his full backing and support to the Liscarne residents group in their endeavours to halt a homeless shelter at this location.
Senator Fitzgerald,while appreciating that the Part 8 process is in itself a consultation, feels that there has been a lack of information and consultation in relation to the proposal. She refers to concern being expressed by a wide range of residents, local business and two local school communities. Local residents have highlighted to her continuously a range of social issues which they are currently experiencing and which are well known to Gardai and the Council.
Senator Fitzgerald outlines a range of concerns which have been voiced in relation to the proposed development which are listed below together with the Council's response:
Senator Fitzgerald stated in her submission that she "would like to formally support the concerns of the local community who feel that this is not an appropriate location for a hostel, given the range of difficulties the community is facing at present and the range of concerns expressed by schools, residents and local business".
Liscarne Action Group's submission acknowledges the need to provide accommodation for homeless persons but objects to the location of the proposed facility based on "the wide ranging social problems of North Clondalkin", the proximity to two local primary schools and objections voiced by local business. The Group also raised concerns regarding a lack of information and consultation in relation to the proposal and makes reference to possible alternative sites for the location of the proposed facility. The Group states that the placement of persons who are homeless in an area with the wide ranging social problems of North Clondalkin would not be the best solution for people who may be undergoing rehabilitation from addiction or wishing to change their way of life on release from prison, undergoing mental health problems etc.
Apart from the Part 8 consultation process, the Council has also engaged in a process of consultation with various interested parties in the community. The provision of accommodation in a supported environment will provide a level of stability for the persons accommodated, some of whom will be from the North Clondalkin area and would heretofore have either had to access emergency accommodation outside the locality or resorted to rough sleeping.
Written submissions were received from the Liscarne Action Group, the two school principals and local shop owner prior to the proposal going to consultation outlining their concerns for a homeless facility at this location. In determining the proposal these concerns were taken into account in terms of the number of units, location, management of the facility and service level agreement to be entered into.
Since the closing date for submissions the Council has met with the local shop owner, the two school principals and representatives of the Community to allay their fears and concerns and address a number of misconceptions in relation to the proposal. a number of meetings were also held with the elected representatives on the proposal. it should be noted that a visit to the homeless facility at Mount Brown for local elected members and local representatives was also arranged prior to initiation of the Part 8 process.
The Council has investigated other suggested locations for this facility in the Clondalkin area but none were suitable due to inaccessibility, not in ownership of the Council and/or otherwise unsuitable for purpose or unavailable.
In the circumstances and as the proposed development is in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area and satisfies the Council's commitments under the Action Plan on Homelessness in Dublin 2007 - 2010 it is recommended that the provision of accommodation proceed as proposed.