Tuesday, September 14, 2010
MOTION: Councillor C. Keane
"That this Committee discuss the condition of "Capri" site on the Whitechurch Road which is rapidly becoming a rubbish dump with a view to ascertaining (a) what action has been taken to date on foot of complaints already made (b) what future action is contemplated as it is still a rubbish dump (c) has owner been contacted /fined and what response."
The planning history on this site may be summarised as follows:
SD10A/0191 Permission refused for modifications to SD09A/0055 and Bord Pleanala Refernce PL06S.235823 for construction of 4 no. 2 storey semi-detached houses due to scale, vehicular access, no appropriate assessment.
SD10A/0123- Permission refused for the refurbishment of the existing dwelling and provision of traveller accommodation with 1 no. caravan bay. No appeal made to An Bord Pleanala. Permission refused for 4no. reasons: contrary to policy regarding provision of traveller accommodation; impact on Natura 2000 site; inadequate information regarding foul and surface water drainage and inadequate information regarding structural stability of the existing bridge and vehicular access.
SD09A/0055- Permission granted and decision upheld on appeal to An Bord Pleanala(PL06S.235823) for the demolition of the existing single storey dwelling and the erection of 2no. pairs of semi-detached dwellings
SD07A/0268- Permission refused on appeal to An Bord Pleanala (PL06S.227061) for 4 no. two storey semi-detached dwellings for the following reasons: visually overbearing and oppressive to adjacent properties due to proximity; inadequate private amenity space
SD05A/0955- Permission for 4 semi-detached dwellings was refused on appeal to An Bord Pleanala for the following reason: visually overbearing and oppressive to adjacent properties due to proximity
SD04A/0963 Planning permission was refused on appeal to An Bord Pleanala (PL 06S.212334). for a residential development consisting of 5 no. 4 bedroom townhouses: the townhouses are two storey to eaves level and utilizing the roof space for the third floor, together with ancillary site development works, including a new bridge for access from Whitechurch Road for the following reason: provision of 3 storey dwellings would injure the amenities of property in the area by reason of overlooking and visual obtrusion
SO1A/O621: Outline permission granted for demolition of single storey dwelling/garage and construction of new two-storey detached dwelling with garage and three town houses with parking.
S97A/0262: Permission granted for 6 no. 2-storey townhouses on site immediately north of subject site.
S96A/0672: Permission refused for 3-storey block of apartments on grounds of density, design and relationship to adjoining properties.
S94A/0027 – Outline Permission granted for house to side of Capri.
Following receipt of complaints, a Warning Letter pursuant to Section 152 of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended), issued to the owner of "Capri", Whitechurch Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16 on the 4th August 2010 for alleged unauthorised development consisting of the deposit of a caravan on the lands which may be being used as a dwelling without the benefit of planning permission.
No submissions/correspondence have been received to date from the owner in response to the Warning Letter. The lands will be inspected by the Planning Inspector and any further enforcement action deemed necessary shall be taken. The Councillor will be kept informed as matters progress.
Issues raised in respect of rubbish on the lands has been referred to the Litter Warden for investigation and action.