south dublin county council crest


Monday, September 13, 2010


QUESTION: Councillor E. Walsh Would the Council consider in light of complaints regarding the 'kissing gates' at the Grand Canal cycleway which inhibit the cyclist's journey (who at the moment is required to dismount at several gates) that at peak times in the morning and evening, the  large barriers are opened on weekdays to allow a free flow of cycling for those wishing to commute to and from work and that the barriers be closed again at night time by either Council staff or a security firm?


This green route opens up the Grand Canal, a major natural resource, for improved amenity, recreational, educational and transportation purposes.  The scheme was developed to a particularly high standard with the protection and safety of its users being a priority.  The route provides a quality pedestrian and cycle way with public lighting and latest technology in CCTV along the 8.5km.  In consultation with local residents and the Gardai the route incorporates fencing, landscaping and kissing gates to help alleviate and prevent anti-social behaviour along the route.  In addition to facilitating pedestrians and cyclists the gates are designed to provide safe access for prams, buggies and wheelchair users.

There are a number of road crossings along the Green Route at which vehicle and kissing gates have been installed as required for Health and Safety to ensure people, in particular children, stop before crossing the road and are also access control gates to the route. 

 There are 5 extra kissing gates provided along the route to prevent motorbikes, quads, cars and horses accessing the towpath.  The gates break up the route to discourage and ensure it is not used as a racing track.  As already stated these gates were provided in consultation with local residents associations and the Gardai. They are located at the 4th Lock, Killeen Road, Kilcronan Estate, Kilcronan Apartments and Grange Castle Road west.

 These 5 gates were left open from the 9th August for a trial period to allow cyclists maintain their momentum along the towpath.  During this period anti-social activities and health and safety issues were monitored.  It has been noted that motorbikes, quads and horses have been using the towpath and availing of the straight run since the gates have been left opened.  This creates a health and safety issue for users of the route. The safety of the users will always be the determining factor as to whether the gates remain open or closed and for this reason 3 of the above 5 gates have now been closed.

 The cyclists using the kissing gates have been observed and their use adds on average no more than 10 seconds to journey times.  It is intended to monitor the use of the route and to make the necessary adjustments, as appropriate, always bearing in mind the requirements of adjoining communities, the Gardai and the safety of its users.