south dublin county council crest


Sunday, September 12, 2010


MOTION: Councillor W. Lavelle

That this Council requests the Manager to present a detailed report for discussion on efforts to introduce appropriate work-placement/training programmes to gainfully engage unemployed persons in projects such as environmental improvement works as requested by this council in a motion adopted at the March council meeting.


Motion NO 15 as follows was AGREED at the March meeting

“That this council requests the Manager to examine the feasibility of introducing appropriate work-placement/training programme, in conjunction if necessary with FAS, to gainfully engage unemployed persons in projects such as environmental improvement works; and furthermore calls on the government to remove any bureaucratic blockages to the establishment of such schemes by local authorities".   

Accordingly letters as attached issued to the Minister for Finance, the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, and the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment (now Innovation) informing them of the Motion.   Acknowledgements and responses as received are attached.     Senior management officials met recently with the Minister for Trade Enterprise and Innoation at which a number of issues were discussed, and it is expected that further  meetings will take place between both parties over the coming months.  Separate meetings have also been taking place with representatives from FAS to explore how SDCC could implement its Work Placements Programme. Potential suitable work is being identified following which contact with Trade Unions representing staff will be made to advise of our intentions and further meetings with FAS will be arranged.

Motion No 6 as follows was AGREED at the April meeting

“That this Council,

(a) building on the experience of the Intellectual Enterprise Zones and complementary to the role of the County Development Board, act as the catalyst and bring together representatives of the County Enterprise Board, The Chamber of Commerce, SIPTU, IBEC, FAS, Social Welfare, The VEC and IT Tallaght, with the specific objective of identifying and devising a range of responses and strategies for their implementation, that can be implemented as a matter of urgency at County and local level, and which address directly the unprecedented level and scale of unemployment being experienced by persons and families in this County, and that

(b) a sub-committee, composed of representatives of all political groupings in the chamber and Senior Management of this Council, be established to guide and participate in the process and to oversee and monitor the implementation of the recommendations.

(c) the sub-committee to report progress to this Council at each Monthly Meeting.”    

At that time the  County Manager suggested that the Council might be able to work the sentiments of the motion into a pilot work place / training project, subject to the cooperation of the Unions.  He committed to reverting to the Council through the Corporate Policy Group with an initial scoping paper, and it was agreed that the CPG become the forum for this initiative, receiving monthly updates.  Minutes of all CPG meetings are now available to all members through membersnet via CMAS.

Members have been regularly updated on the IEZ project which is now being developed on a regional basis. The project provides opportunities for participants to develop new approaches to business and work opportunities through networking, access to relevant training and mutual support. It has been developed on an interagency basis involving the Dept of Social Protection, FAS, CEB and other stakeholders.