Tuesday, June 08, 2010
MOTION: Councillor J. Lahart
"That the Committee supports the provision of additional litter bins in the Scholarstown area of Knocklyon, from the Community School to Superquinn and engages the local schools and Residents Association with a view to tackling the serious litter problem in the area recently."
The area in question will be assessed to examine the necessity for additional litter bins there having regard for litter arising in the area, proximity to litter generators (e.g. shops, schools etc.), footfall as well as route capacity and existing litter bins but it should be noted that given the limited provision in the Council's 2010 Budget for litter bin installations and outstanding priority requests, it may be some time before any necessary litter bins are installed at this location, even if or when the current industrial dispute in this regard ceases.
The Environmental Awareness Team engages with schools and communities throughout the County. The following initiatives are offered to all schools: a Green Times Newsletter is distributed providing up to date information on environmental education and awareness supports offered to schools, the Giant Waste Challenge Game is available to schools, while the Environmental Schools Anti Litter Competition is run annually. In addition, Environmental Awareness staff work closely with schools throughout the county with school visits / presentations by Litter Wardens and Environmental Awareness staff available on topics such as Litter, Waste, Recycling, Water and Energy for Primary and Secondary School pupils.
The following work has recently been carried out with schools in Knocklyn: the Greendream Anti Litter Drama Workshop took place in St. Columcille's J.N.S, consisting of drama role play focusing on litter themes with subsequent supply of work packs with follow on exercises related to the anti-litter theme of the workshops. Pupils from St. Columcille's J.N.S and St. Columcille's S.N.S were also encouraged to create anti-litter posters for a recent competition. A Green Schools Talk for teachers was delivered in the past week while St. Columcilles C.S. have received their waste flag which covers the theme of waste. In addition, the following initiatives are available for communities and schools around litter: National Spring Clean, Scribble Skills Anti Graffiti Toolkit, Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund, Anti Litter and Anti Graffiti Awareness Grants and The Beautiful South Dublin County / Ath Cliath Theas go Deas Competition and schools and residents in Knocklyon and throughout the County are encouraged to participate in these. Further details are available from the Environmental Awareness team.