Tuesday, June 08, 2010
MOTION: Councillor E. Coburn
"That this Committee discuss the lack of grass cutting in the area. Many roadside greens are uncut and create a negative impression of the area which is not reflected in other parts of the greater Dublin region."
In recent years, under normal circumstances and with a full compliment of staff and machinery, the Parks Dept. has endeavoured to have all open spaces and grassed areas under maintenance cut on a nine to ten day rota basis. This is the optimum and most cost efficient cutting frequency as it minimises vehicle breakdowns, reduces the accumulation of litter and does not generate significant amounts of grass clippings. This frequency is not always achieved due to a range of factors such as staff on leave, machinery breakdowns, weather and ground conditions and other works on hand.
Taking into account the current economic environment and all of the constraints including those outlined above, the cutting frequency as fallen back to a level of between twelve and fifteen days between cuts. While this is some way off the optimum, it is a service level that the Parks Department is endeavouring to achieve in the current season within the available resources.
Notwithstanding the above, every effort is being made to allocate the resources available within the Parks Department on a prioritised basis to maximum effect, to ensure that the grass maintenance across the Rathfarnham Area is to the highest possible standard. In this regard, priority is being given to the maintenance of playing fields to ensure that they are available for play.
In relation to grass cutting on public roads, the Council must comply with stringent Health and Safety / Traffic Management requirements now in force. The level of safety measures required relates to the road status and speed limits currently in force. The requirements become more onerous as the status of the road and associated traffic volumes and speeds increase with the most onerous requirements applying to National Roads and Dual Carriageways.
Compliance with the regulations means that additional time is required at these locations in order to set up the signing, lighting and guarding prior to carrying out any works and removal of same upon completion of the works for the day. In addition to this, on the routes carrying significant volumes of traffic where traffic flows have to be maintained at certain times of the day e.g. rush hour periods, working is often restricted to off peak periods in order to maintain traffic flows. Where National Routes and dual carriageways are involved, the Parks Department works in a co-operative manner with the Council's Roads Maintenance and Traffic Sections in carrying out maintenance on these routes.