south dublin county council crest


Monday, June 14, 2010


MOTION: Councillor M. Corr

That this Council undertakes a significant Anti-racism Campaign within the County, to include a major conference involving all minority ethnic groups possible in order to highlight and promote awareness of the consequences of racism and to demonstrate this Council's condemnation of all racist activities/practices.


The Council has carried out a significant volume of work in the area of anti-racism through its Social Inclusion Unit and the Community and Housing Departments. While some events directly dealt with the anti-racism issue, the emphasis with many of the actions was to promote interculturism and the integration of the new communities into the culture, language and day to day life of people in South Dublin County.

Some of the events and activities held over the past twelve months include the following:-

·         Cultural Diversity Seminar: A work plan has been put in place outlining the Actions from the Cultural Diversity Report for implementation by the Social Inclusion Unit.  A working group consisting of members of CPLN Partnership, Dodder Valley Partnership, Clondalkin Intercultural Centre and TIA has been established for the implementation of the remaining actions from the Cultural Diversity Seminar.

·         Traveller Focus Week – Traveller Pride Café 1st December 2009

As part of Traveller Focus Weeks South Dublin Council  hosted a Café Style Conversation in St. Ronans Community Centre, St. Cuthberts Road, Deansrath, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 on Tuesday 1st December 2009. Over 60 people attended on the day.The aim of the Café event was to engage participants’ collective intelligence on questions about Traveller culture and issues by using a conversational process, which uses innovative yet simple methodologies.

The theme for this year’s Traveller focus week is Traveller pride. Travellers are a unique group within Irish society, having their own culture and language.  The week’s focus was on the positive contribution of Travellers and Traveller culture to our communities.

Objectives of Traveller Focus Week

T Factor  Talent Show –  September 2009- Civic Theatre Tallaght

The T Factor Talent Show emanated from an idea of Melissa Connors a member of the Travelling Community who works as a Clerical Officer in South Dublin County Council to showcase talents of the travelling community.  Having read and seen many negative reports on Travellers in the media and knowing such reports were not a true representation of Travellers or their culture Melissa wanted to show a positive side of Traveller Culture. The show was a tremendous success.

Internship Scheme: Interviews have taken place and a panel has been established with suitable candidates.  One intern commenced work experience in the Council offfices on the 1st March 2010. This is the sixth in the series of Internship Scheme which the Social Inclusion Unit initiated in 2007. The Evaluation Report of the previous Internship Scheme has been circulated.People of many different races and cultures have participated in the scheme so far.

The Community Services Department will examine the idea of holding a conference as suggested by the Councillor.