south dublin county council crest


Monday, June 14, 2010

HEADED ITEM NO. H4 (a) (i)

HEADED ITEM: C. Services Department



(i) Report of Meeting held 12th May 2010


Members Officials
  Billy Coman , Director of Services
  Willie Sheils, Senior Executive Officer
  Alison Silke, Sports and Recreation Officer
  Thomas McDermott Sports Partnership
Cllr S,. Crowe Jim Walsh, Director of Services
Cllr P. Cosgrave Brian Sheehan, Director of Services
Cllr D. Keating  
Cllr G. Kenny  
Carmel Mc Cartney  

Apologies: Cllrs C King, M McDonagh, D Looney, T Ridge

J Coghlan, C Johnston

An Leas Meara  Cllr. Paddy Cosgrave presided.


1)    Minutes of previous meeting held on 10th February 2010     

      Proposed: Cllr P Cosgrave

      Seconded: Cllr D Keating

2)   Matters arising.


3)   Presentation on Green Route Policy.

Presented by Jim Walsh Director of Economic Development

Green Route network covering Ecological Corridors, Historical Cultural and Social Connections and the Green Infrastructure 

The members commended the staff on their work to date. C McCartney and Cllrs Cosgrave, S Crowe, G Kenny and D Keating contributed to a debate on the presentation particularly on the areas of CCTV Monitoring, Dodder Valley, Smart Travel funding, safety aspects and use of environmentally friendly materials.

Jim Walsh responded to the queries raised and the presentation was noted.

4)        Parks Activities Presentation

Presented by Brian Sheehan Senior Parks Superintendent

A presentation of the varied activities and range of facilities available with in the Parks of the County and the range of services delivered was outlined in the presentation.

Following a debate to which C McCartney and Cllrs P Cosgrave, S Crowe, G Kenny, and D Keating contributed expressing their thanks and appreciation for all the work and services provided the report was noted.

5)        Late Night Leagues

Alison Silke Sports Officer gave a presentation updating the members on the Late Night Leagues as promoted and supported by the Committee at its last meeting.

The initiative is a joint operation involving the Gardai and is running at both Tallaght and Clondalkin Leisure Centres using both outdoor and indoor facilities. The initiative is proving very successful to date and involves up to 40 boys and girls.

A Silke and B Coman responded to queries raised.

Following a debate to which Cllrs Cosgrave, Kenny contributed it was agreed that a further report be brought to the Committee following an evaluation of the initiative.

6)        Link 2B Active

Thomas McDermott Local Sports Partnership Co-ordinator presented a report on this initiative for unemployed.

It was also reported that the success of the initiative in South Dublin County was such that the Irish Sports Council have proposals to roll out nationally.

Following a debate to which C McCartney and Cllrs P Cosgrave and G Kenny contributed and T McDermott and B Coman responded the report was noted. 

7)  AOB

B Coman reported to the committee that the Sports strategy as discussed at the February Committee meeting was presented and adopted by the Council at its May Council meeting.

Meeting concluded at 7.10pm