Monday, June 14, 2010
(i) Report of Meeting 24th May 2010
Members: Officials:
Cllr M. Corr – Chair Teresa Walsh, Director of Services
Cllr P. Cosgrave Georgina Byrne, County Librarian
Cllr J. Hannon Willie Sheils, Senior Executive Officer
Cllr C. Keane Mary Maguire, Senior Executive Officer
Cllr G. O’Connell
Sectoral: Apologies:
John Conroy Cllr Sean Crowe
Jim Fay Cllr Eamon Walsh
Meg Murphy (designate) Cllr. T. Delaney
Ann Fitzpatrick
Councillor M. Corr presided.
At the onset of the meeting Cllr Corr welcomed Ms. Meg Murphy, Sectoral Member designate (replacement for Breda Bollard) whose nomination by the Tallaght Community Forum was recently accepted by the Council at the May 2010 OP&F and who, pending the formal adoption of the approval of her nomination at the June Council Meeting, attended as an observer.
As there were a number of new attendees present Councillor M. Corr introduced herself and invited everyone present to introduce themselves
H (1) Minutes
The Minutes of the Arts, Culture, An Gaeilge, Education and Libraries Strategic Policy Committee meeting of 22nd February 2010 were proposed by Councillor M. Corr, seconded by Councillor C. Keane and confirmed and approved as a true record and signed.
H (2) Appointment of one non – elected member to the Board of Rua Red South Dublin County Arts Centre.
Ms. Meg Murphy, Tallaght Community Forum was proposed by Councillor C. Keane, seconded by Councillor G. O’Connell.
Ms. Murphy’s formal appointment as Sectoral Member to the SPCwas pending she was appointed as non – elected member designate to the Board of Rua Red South Dublin County Arts Centre.
H (3) Ballyroan Library Project Update
The County Librarian, Georgina Byrne gave a presentation on the proposed redevelopment of Ballyroan Library. She confirmed that the Ballyroan Library is one of the busiest public libraries in Ireland, and that it has outgrown its original footprint. During 2009 over 286,000 items were loaned, over 200,000 visitors, over 13,000 internet sessions and 982 events held in site.
The Part VIII planning process for proposed redevelopment of the library was passed at the Council meeting in April 2008, subject to the identification and sourcing of the necessary funding. The Library Department is currently awaiting the funding announcement from the Minister for the Environment Heritage and Local Government for the 2010 capital building programme for libraries, and it is very hopeful of award.
Cllr. Keane and Cllr. Cosgrave made contributions and complimented the County Librarian and her staff on the wonderful presentation and work done to date at Ballyroan Library.
The report was NOTED
H (4) Draft Policy on Children’s Library Services
The County Librarian, Ms.Georgina Byrne gave a presentation on the proposed policy and cited South Dublin County Libraries commitment to the provision of a contemporary library service for the children of the County.
Ms Byrne outlined that the Council has a dedicated Children’s Services librarian based in Library Headquarters who provides an advisory and consultation service to the primary schools located in the County, and delivers talks and presentations on request, while the Children’s Service Committee co-ordinates the delivery of services in at branch level. In addition an extensive development programme is delivered each year, which encourages and fosters reading and promotes the greater use of library services.
The Children’s Zone on the library website, provides 24 hour access to a range of virtual services to the children of the County and has a vital role to play in the area of social inclusion.
Ms. Byrne updates the meeting on the relevant themes of the draft policy as follows:
Cllr. M. Duff, Cllr. J. Hannon and Cllr M. Corr made contributions and once again commended the County Librarian and her staff on the excellent and pioneering work in hand of the Council’s Library Service.
The report was NOTED
H (5) Student Support – Higher Education Grants
Ms Mary Maguire, SEO, Corporate Services Department advised the meeting of the Council’s supporting role under the Department of Education’s Higher Education Scheme to eligible third level student residing within the county
The meeting noted the complexity associated with administration of the scheme and assessment of applications, and of new initiatives undertaken at central and local level to alleviate bottlenecks and pitfalls. These include the development of a new national application form and supporting notes for the 2010/2011 academic year which will clearly highlight the sections where specific documentation is required and without which the application cannot be assessed.
Cllr. M. Duff and Cllr. C. Keane made contributions and it was agreed to do a short promotional piece around the HEGS support available for students in the imminent publication of South Dublin today
The report was NOTED
H (6) Socially Inclusive Arts
Mr. Willie Sheils, SEO, Community Department delivered a presentation on the Council’s role in the provision of a socially inclusive arts service and the need for such a service. He also outlined what has been achieved to date, projects in development, key activity / statistics and details of future plans.
Cllr P. Cosgrave, Cllr. G. O’Connell, Jim Fay, Cllr. C. Keane, Cllr. M. Duff, Cllr. J. Hannon and Cllr M. Corr all made contributions, commending the Council on its excellent service. The impact of the service and its contribution towards sustainable jobs was noted, its ability to enhance creativity, and the break down of barriers from what was previously perceived as an elitist activity was also identified. It was also suggested that utility service boxes might be used to provide space for creative graffiti art and this is to be examined.
The report was NOTED.
H (7) AOB
Bank of Ireland Art Collection
Cllr C. Keane referred to the recently announced Bank of Ireland proposal to sell its art collection and put the proceeds towards its community and charitable investment programme.
It was agreed on the proposition of Cllr. C. Keane, seconded by Cllr. M. Duff to write to the Bank of Ireland and ask if one piece of the collection could be donated to each public Library Authority for the enjoyment of the greater public.
Irish Seminar
Cllr. C. Keane referred to Coiste Gaeilge which was established by the Department of Environment Heritage & Local Government and to a fo- choiste was set up by the LGMSB following the introduction of the Official Languages Act 2003 to promote the Irish Language in the public service. Cllr. Keane wondered if South Dublin County Council might organize an Irish seminar and Director of Service Ms Teresa Walsh advised that it may be possible to organize something in conjunction with the fo- choiste.