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Monday, June 14, 2010
c) Report on S 142 Regulations
The following report was circulated and presented to the ORGANISATION, PROCEDURE AND FINANCE COMMITTEE meeting held on 20TH MAY 2010
"Report on members’ Working Group meeting with Corporate Services 16th April 2010
On foot of the recent introduction of new regulations pertaining to members’ expenses a working group comprising of representatives from each party and non party was established to examine the implications of the new regulations and to put in place an agreed platform on the interpretation of this legislation.
Membership of the Councillors’ working group as agreed at the March OP&F is as follows:
Cllr. Gus O Connell (NP),
Cllr. E. Tuffy (Labour),
Cllr. Cathal King (SF)
Cllr. John Hannon (FF)
Cllr. Cait Keane (FG)
and as agreed at the March 2010 OP&F a meeting was held on 16th April 2010 between the Working Group and Corporate Services (Ms Teresa Walsh & Ms. Mary Maguire).
The following issues were discussed and consensus reached
- The new regulations are effective from 2010, albeit that they were not issued by the Department of Environment Heritage and Local Government (DoEHLG) until mid February.
- New Budget for combined Training/Conferences based on circular is €122,200 calculated as follows: maximum of €4,700 multiplied by the number of members of the Council)
SDCC budget = € 4,700 x 26 = €122,200.00 maximum.
- While the regulations outline that the maximum amount provided by a local authority is calculated by reference to the number of Councillors on that authority, there is no individual allowance. However the meeting agreed that every member should continue to choose from the “approved” conference list subject to the principles of equity and fairness ie every Member of the Council must be given an equal opportunity to participate at conferences / seminars/ training activities as has been the practice in SDCC heretofore.
- In compliance with the regulations all up-coming conferences, seminars and courses must be assessed for their relevance and suitability for Councillors. The working group is willing to undertake that assessment on a monthly basis, subject to members’ approval to the working group continuing in that role or agree another mechanism. (The regulation guidelines suggested that this could be done by the CPG). Corporate Service require that this committee be formally established with Terms of Reference and reporting mechanisms put in place.
- Every Local Authority must draw up a Training and Development Programme for its council effective from 2010. The group will work in conjunction with HR and CS in drawing up this programme. A training needs analysis will be undertaken and members’ views will be solicited in terms of training priorities. Similarly members will also be invited to submit details of subjects / issues of interest which might be further developed, bearing in mind that recommendations must have relevance to
The duties and functions of Councillors
Key policy issues for Local Government
The developmental needs of Councillors and the stage of the Council
- In line with the Ministerial guidelines issued, it is intended to offer structured training / educational courses leading to qualifications and could include distance / on-line courses within the FETAC and HETAC frameworks. All associated costs or % costs as may be agreed, including course fees or part of / trainer fees etc to be met from the budget. It is intended to explore the possibility of linking into already developed staff training programmes. Noting specific reference in documentation circulated regarding members’ Representative Groups ie A.C.A.C., L.A.M.A. and AMAI it was agreed that members (4) will continue to attend conferences / seminars organized by those approved bodies.
- As was previously the case under section 142 (subsection (5)(f) of the Local Government Act 2001 members must submit a conference report. This practice has been intermittent in the past and it agreed that in order to fully comply with the regulation that all Conference reports are approved at the next ordinary meeting of the authority – in this instance the next OP&F meeting. It was further acknowledged that on foot of the introduction of the regulations the DoEHLG may audit adherence to the regulations from time to time". End of Report to OP&F.
The following was agreed at the OP&F meeting
- The maximum amount of the annual budget has been set by the Minister. It was clarified that while the figure of €122,200 is based on membership (26) this is the cumulative maximum amount that may be spent by the Council, but not the set amount which may be spent.
- It was agreed on the proposition of Councillor C. Brophy and seconded by Councillor M. Duff that the working group should remain as a Sub Committee of the OP&F (S 142 Protocol Committee) to consider the relevance and suitability of conferences notified to the council
- Training & Development Plan: It was agreed that this element required further discussion and that the aforementioned subcommittee would work with HR and CS towards the development of the plan
- It was agreed that reports on conferences would be submitted to the Council at OP&F meetings.
It is now before the council to formally approve Cllr. Gus O Connell, Cllr. E. Tuffy, Cllr. Cathal King, Cllr. John Hannon and Cllr. Cait Keane to the S 142 Protocol Committee.