Thursday, May 27, 2010
As the next meeting of the Strategic Policy Committee will not be scheduled until the early Autumn period, the attention of Members of the Strategic Policy Committee is also being drawn to
European Mobility Week - 16th to 22nd September.
European Mobility Week was launched in 2002 as an extension to the "In Town, Without My Car! Campaign". The week provides an opportunity for towns and cities to promote sustainable travel modes for the whole week. The objective is to facilitate widespread debate on the necessity for changes in urban travel patterns, and in particular the need to cut private car use. In Town, Without My Car! which takes place on the 22nd September marks the end of the week. It is generally referred to in Ireland as Car Free Day.
Each year there is an overarching theme for the week. In 2004 it was Safe Streets for Children; 2005 was Clever Commuting; 2006 Climate Change, 2007 Streets for People and in 2008 was Clean Air for All. Improving City Climates was the central theme for 2009. This year health and mobility are the overall topics of the Week with “Travel Smarter, Live Better” as the focal theme.
The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government has urged the general public, local authorities, and businesses to become involved in activities and events for mobility week. European Mobility Week is helping to ensure that people in cities and towns can promote active travel to tackle the issue of physical inactivity, excess weight, and obesity and at the same time improve the physical and mental well-being of citizens. It is also noted that health and sustainable mobility is a combination that clearly enhances the quality of life in cities, helps to reduce air and noise pollution, accidents and congestion while bringing back more space for living rather than driving.
This Council has again commit itself to taking part in the campaign and sees its participation in the 2010 event as furthering a range of initiatives that have been promoted throughout the year. To enable an exciting and interesting week of events to be developed the Council has sought to build partnerships with a range of local and national organisations. Among the locally based organisations / groups / firms that have taken part in the previous events are An Garda Siochana; South Dublin Chamber of Commerce; The Square Shopping Centre; Institute of Technology Tallaght; AMNCH Hospital Tallaght; Dublin Transportation Office; Irish Heart Foundation and a host of gym, leisure, cycling and activity businesses from the wider South Dublin area with the emphasis on fun and participation. The week is being supported by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the Department of Transport.
The indicative programme for the week of activities and events that will be held in South Dublin includes:
Full details of the events and activities which have the full support of all departments of the Council will be available through the Council's website. Members of the SPC are encouraged to support these events and activities.