Monday, May 17, 2010
QUESTION: Councillor M. Corr
To ask the Manager once again to arrange complete cleansing of the areas surrounding all Traveller specific residential developments in the Tallaght area, and to ensure the completion of any landscaping and open space enhancement works immediately, given their detrimental effect on surrounding developments and internally within the developments themselves?
The cleansing of areas within and surrounding traveller specific accommodation is regularly carried out by the caretakers in the traveller specific developments, skips are provided and staff are re-deployed in order to carry out such work. With regard to landscaping, a comprehensive survey of all Residential Caravan Parks was carried out in conjunction with the Parks and Landscaping Services Department, and a programme of works is being undertaken at the appropriate time of year for planting and within the constraints of available funding.
Review of public areas surrounding Traveller Specific Accommodation within Tallaght area
Hazel Hill
The land adjacent to the rear of Bays 1 – 5 has been acquired by SDCC (Ref: HDA 697). The rest of the land surrounding the development specifically the land adjacent to Houses 6 – 10 and the access road is currently in the process of being acquired by SDCC. The mounded grass verges on either side of the approach road should be mown with a flail mower to remove heavy grass and weed growth. The gorse and grass in the fields surrounding the development should be regularly cut. Any refuse found in these areas to be removed.
St. Aidans, Brookfield
Area at the front of the development - level off any rough areas, remove timber fence and reseed with grass.
The areas to the right of the entrance of the development and the surrounding land - major re-grading works required here including the addition of topsoil and landscaping to control dumping and to enable the area to be regularly maintained.
All refuse found in the areas surrounding the development to be removed.
Belgard Park
Existing planting beds surrounded with low stone walls at the front of the development – spray for weeds and replant with shrubs or other suitable plant material and finish with mulch.
Planted grassed strip along main road – temporarily remove healthy trees, dispose of dead trees, re-grade and landscape mounds to enable a maintainable grass surface to be established, replant all healthy trees. All refuse to be removed.
Daletree Place
The Traveller Accommodation Unit has been and will continue to maintain the grass verge on either side of the entrance to Daletree Place.
The grass verge along the road opposite the entrance to Daletree Place has not been taken in charge by SDCC. There have been instances of dumping of refuse along the grass verge opposite the entrance to Daletree Drive and over the fence which is in the vicinity of the electrical sub station located within the Hunters Wood development. Discussions are continuing as to how to combat this ongoing problem.
Belgard Road
Redevelopment of Belgard Road is currently under discussion.
Turnpike, Red Cow Roundabout
Redevelopment of Turnpike is currently taking place and appropriate landscaping measures will be put in place.