Monday, May 10, 2010
QUESTION: Councillor C. Jones
To ask the Manager how many unfinished developments there are in the County and what steps are being taken by the Council to ensure the completion of these developments?
In responding to the question, “unfinished” is assumed to be developments which have not yet been taken-in-charge by the Council as there are still works outstanding which are the responsibility of the developer.
Using this definition of “unfinished” there are 23 developments in the County, though the degree of works required varies significantly.
The current position in relation to these 23 developments is as listed below;
No. of Houses Estate Location Developer
Works Outstanding
203 Tullyhall (Phase 2) Lucan Kingscroft /Hollioake/Tower
Roads and services taken in charge in Phase 1
Jan 2010.
In Phase 2 there are issues with road surfacing
Sequestration of the bond is ongoing
to expedite this problem.
7 Monastery Gate Clondalkin M. Gate Ltd
7 units involved. Remedial works list prepared
and issued- works complete on last inspection.
Revised "As Constructed Drawings" requested
and awaited.
40 Newhall Court (Phase 1 only) Blessington Road William Smith
Legal issues, developer challenging right of
Council to claim security for completion of
works but liaising with Council presently
on some works to be carried out.
498 Sundale (Phase 1 - 6) Tallaght Kelland Homes Ltd.
Roads TIC on 8th March, 2004 Services not
yet recommended for TIC. Drainage survey and
revised drawings submitted and being checked.
Awaiting wayleave in respect of water mains
through public site.
43 Brownsbarn Woods Brownsbarn Durkan Residential
Management Agreement in place for
development which indicates that public lighting
will be offered for taking in charge.
An inspection to ascertain any works
needed is being scheduled in order to issue list
of same to the developer. No request for taking
in charge received.
4 Cnoc Aoibheann Lucan Weston Properties Ltd.
Minor works outstanding including works to
drainage and manholes. As constructed
drawings awaited. Linked to Copse Estate. Up
date list of works outstanding due from Parks
Department in order to issue to developer.
Security to be sequestered when list received.
3 Copse Lucan Weston Properties Ltd
Minor works outstanding including works to
drainage and manholes. As constructed
drawings awaited. Linked to Cnoc Aoibheann.
Lists issued - no contact from Developer. Up
dated list of works outstanding due from Parks
Department in order to issue to
developer. Security to be sequestered
when list received.
150 DeSelby Tallaght Kelland Homes Ltd.
Revised remedial lists prepared and issued.
Works almost complete, minor works still
outstanding. "As constructed" drawings and
drainage survey requested and awaited. Final
inspection required, inspections/meetings
being scheduled with contractor.
176 Ferncourt (Phase 1 & 2) Ballycullen Maplewood Homes
TIC drawings and schedule being prepared.
Final list issued. Developer to
notify Building control when works are
complete, recently on site completing works.
When complete will require re inspection
292 Hansted Lucan McInerney Construction
Remedial list prepared and issued. Final
inspection of works due. "As constructed
drawings" submitted and being checked.
50 Mont Pelier Jobstown Durkan New Homes Ltd.
"As constructed" drawings submitted and being
checked. Developer has offered the
development for taking in charge and inspection
of development being scheduled with the
developer to identify works to be completed.
27 Moy Glas (Phase 2) Lucan Castlethorn/Courtland/Lyncourt
27 units involved. Taking in Charge drawings
and schedule being prepared. To be
recommeded for TIC Autumn 2010, pending
completion of some minor works.. Bond
remains in place
177 Oak Dale Ballycullen Maplewood Homes
TIC drawings and schedule being prepared. To
be recommended for TIC pending completion
of minor works, developer is re-entering site to
complete same.
54 Old Court Ballycullen Maplewood Homes
TIC schedule and drawings being prepared. The
Developer has recently indicated that all works
are complete. A final inspection is due.
4 Sylvan Avenue Kingswood Mondale Const. Ltd.
Final inspection to be carried out. TIC drawings
and schedule to be prepared.
230 Verschoyle (Phase 1) Saggart Kingscroft Developments
"As constructed" drawings and drainage survey
submitted and being checked. Drainage not to
be TIC at present as it drains into private drains.
Developer completing works on another development
& is scheduling inspection with Building Control
thereafter on works in Verschoyle.
Inspection likely to occur in late April.
290 Beechdale Ballycullen Maplewood Developments Ltd.
Developer has been on site in recent weeks
completing works on foot of Councils actions.
Inspection, mainly re surface water issues is
required when conditions are suitable i .e. a
period of rainfall is required for conditions
necessary to ensure draingage etc is properly
operating. Drawings etc prepared for TIC and if
on inspection no issues arise this development
will be ready to be advertised for TIC.
235 Larkfield Lucan Fitzgibbon Bros
Development re-inspected in Feb 2010
and new claim placed on bond to complete
remaining minor works. On foot of this claim
the developer has returned to site in March 2010
and final inspection of works is due. Surveys
and drawings awaited.
110 Mount Bellew Willsbrook Fitzgibbon Bros
Developer of Larkfield is also developer of
Mount Bellew and has returned to site on foot
of claim on Larkfield bond. Security remains in
place and will be utlised if works identified are
not completed. A claim is prepared for issue to
bondholder if works not completed in coming
108 Rossberry Lucan Kingscroft Ltd & Hollioake Ltd
Two developers were involved in Rossberry,
Kingscroft and Hollioake. In late 2009 a claim
was placed on the Kingscroft bond and they
have as a result concluded works in March
2010 on their portion of the site. A full
inspection to confirm that the works are
satisfactorily completed is being scheduled.
Initial inspections have identified issues with
infiltration between foul and surface water
systems that is being attended to by the
developer. The process of completing works
and inspecting same has clarified the areas for
which Hollioake is responsible and a list of
works is being prepared in order to issue a
claim on their bond, which remains in place.
588 Carrigmore Fortunestown Devondale Ltd.
Apartments and duplexes are under
Management Company. Drainage not to be TIC
- Only road to be TIC - resurfacing required
and inspection to itemise same to be arranged.
325 Mill Race Saggart Neville DevelopmentPartnership
Phase 1 Mixed Residential Development - House
construction nearing completion - mostly
private. Management Agreement submitted.
Only main road & adjoing footpath to be TIC.
Drawings & CCTV requested. Development is
being inspected on an ongoing basis.
175 Newcastle Manor Newcastle Tenbury/Chesterbridge Develop
Lists prepared and issued - worls outstanding
include: Tactile paving and inspection of gullies.
Drawings and drainage survey received and
being checked. Management Agreement
submitted for part of development. Bond in
place for development.