Monday, May 10, 2010
MOTION: Councillor E. Tuffy
That this Council rejects the proposal by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to abolish South Dublin County Development Board, through the legislation to provide for a directly elected Mayor for the Dublin Region, requests the Manager to convey this view to the Minister, and to include with the correspondence to the Minister a document setting out the achievements of the South Dublin CDB in the years since it was set up, including evidence on the advances in inter agency collaboration in the County arising from the work of the Board, and further requests that copies of the correspondence and documentation sent to the Minister be sent to the Managers of the other 3 Local Authorities in the Dublin Region.
The South Dublin County Development Board was established in 2000 as a response to the challenge of increased integration of public and local service delivery and has acted as the key co-coordinating body at local level.
The Board is currently working on the third phase of the Integrated Strategy for the Economic, Social and Cultural Development of South Dublin County – A Place for People 2002 – 2012. Under the current Implementation Plan 2009 – 2012 there are 31 key aims formulated around a broad range of relevant themes. The South Dublin County Development Board has four main working Groups: Economic Development, Social Inclusion Measures/RAPID Monitoring Committee, Arts and Culture and Local Agenda 21. In addition in South Dublin County, the Children’s Services Committee, Inter-Agency Management Group for Traveller Services, County Childcare Committee and Local Sports Partnership, Comhairle na nóg all provide reports to and carry out actions on behalf of the CDB.
The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government John Gormley T.D. on 24th February 2010 published the Local Government (Dublin Mayor and Regional Authority) Bill 2010 which provides for a directly elected Mayor for the Dublin region.
When passed the legislation as drafted will give the directly elected Mayor the authority and powers to implement the policies which the Mayor and the revamped Dublin Regional Authority lay down. A new Regional Development Board, chaired by the directly elected Mayor, will be established which will include major public sector, educational and enterprise interests from across the Dublin Region. This proposed Board will replace the existing 4 City and County Development Boards. The Bill will allow for sub-committees to continue working at a more local level.
If the Motion is passed the Council will correspond with the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and to the other Dublin Local Authorities..