south dublin county council crest


Monday, May 10, 2010


MOTION: Councillor D. Keating

That the Manager would present a detailed report for discussion on how this Council supports schools in the County, including schools that make a particular effort on environmental matters such as reducing, reusing and recycling? Would the Manager also report on how the Council can continue to support and encourage schools, including children, students, teachers and parents who participate in such school projects and lead by great example?


The Environmental Awareness Staff support and promote environmental education and awareness in the county. Support and information is offered to schools on the following topics litter, waste, recycling, energy conservation and water conservation. Communication of supports is by a variety of means outlined below.

The Green Times Newsletter – Since October 2007 the Green Times Newsletter has been posted to all schools twice a year. From 2009 the newsletter has been printed in both Irish and English. It has up to date information on environmental education and awareness supports offered to schools. All the newsletters are also available to download from South Dublin County Councils website. Over the past three years environmental education and awareness supports advertised in the newsletter have included the following:

Information on

Ø       School talks by Environmental Awareness Staff with litter warden on litter & waste also on energy & water

Ø       An Taisce’s Green Schools Programme

Ø       Environmental Schools Competition

Ø       Recycled Christmas Decoration Competition

Ø       Halloween and Christmas themed recycling make and do workshops for class groups

Ø       Ordering Water Conservation Pack for Schools and Hippo water conservation devices

Ø       Free of compost bins & green bins for school

Ø       Sustainable Energy Ireland workshops and resources for Junior cycle primary schools and secondary schools

Ø       Sustainable Energy Ireland workshops in South Dublin County for Senior Cycle primary schools

Ø       Giant Waste Challenge Game on loan to schools

Ø       Eco Week events and invitation for schools to book events for their school

Ø       Social Credit System

Ø       National campaigns and events such as, Appetite for Action, Gum Litter taskforce, National Spring Clean, PURE, Eco Unesco Young Environmentalist Award

Ø       Local campaigns and events – Grand Canal Awareness, CCRI WEEE collections for schools, The Big Picture,

Ø       School Gardens – information on South Dublin County Council’s demonstration school garden at the allotments in Tymon Park, Tallaght. The garden is maintained and used by St. Joseph's Special School but schools can contact the Tymon Park to arrange a visit.

Ø       Battery Recycling

Contact details for the Environmental Awareness Section are on the newsletter and schools are encouraged to contact us to avail of any of the above.

In addition to the above, support is also available to sccools and the wider community through the following initiatives -

Website – all the information detailed in this report is available on the Environmental Awareness pages of South Dublin County Council’s website.

The Green Schools Programme - South Dublin County Council Environmental Awareness Staff carry out Green School Assessments at schools that are participating in the Green Schools Programme and send assessment reports to An Taisce. Once schools are awarded the Green Flag by An Taisce, the Environmental Awareness Section writes to each school to offer to attend Green Flag raising ceremony with the Mayor at the school. The Environmental Awareness Staff also write and issue a press release and send it along with photos to the local press.

An Taisce Green School information Seminar for Schools - The Environmental Awareness Section also organises a venue for An Taisce Green School information Seminar for Schools in County and writes out to all schools to invite them to attend. There are usually two sessions at the seminar. The first session provides an introduction for schools starting out on the Green Schools programme and covers the first theme of litter and waste. The second session is for schools with green flags that are working on implementing the Energy and Water themes.

Water Conservation - Schools can request the Water Conservation Pack for Schools in Irish and or English and Hippo water conservation devices for toilet cisterns. Information on the pack and hippos are in the schools newsletter and on South Dublin County Council’s website.

Environmental Schools Anti Litter Competition - each year all schools are posted out application forms and invited to participate in the following the Environmental Schools Anti Litter Competition.

National Spring Clean - each year all schools are posted out application forms and newsletters to participate in the An Taisce’s National Spring Clean, Irelands largest anti litter event.

Bonfire Awareness – Bonfire awareness posters were sent to all secondary schools in the County in 2009.

 Sustainable Energy Ireland Workshops - The Environmental Awareness Section also organises a venue for SEI workshops for schools and takes bookings from schools.

 Anti Litter and Anti Graffiti Grant – Schools are sent information on the Anti Litter and Anti Graffiti Grant. Applications should seek to promote public awareness and education in relation to litter and/or graffiti.  This Grant Scheme has a particular focus on voluntary initiatives by community and environmental groups, and on involving schools and young people in anti-litter and anti- graffiti action. In 2009 two schools were funded under this grant. In addition Garbo Productions were funded under the grant to deliver the Greendream Anti Litter Drama Workshop to 1200 children from 14 Junior schools. The workshop consisted of warm up games and drama role play which focussed on the theme of litter in our parks. The children imagined being creatures in their local park. Later they talked about how the creatures feel if litter is left in the park. Teachers were also provided with a work pack with follow on exercises that tied into the anti-litter theme of the workshops. Each school was invited to encourage pupils to create Anti Litter Posters and enter a competition.

 Local Agenda 21 Environment Partnership Fund – Schools are sent information on the Local Agenda 21 Environment Partnership Fund – four schools were directly funded under this fund for projects. In addition workshops funded under the grant will be delivered to schools during Eco Week (19th to 24th April 2010) including workshops on Biodiversity, Birds and the environment, Nature, waste and recycling shows and workshops. All schools will receive Eco Week brochures and are invited to book events and take part.

Global Action Plan (GAP) began operating in South Dublin County in the spring of 2007 delivering a wide variety of projects for Community Groups, Youth Groups and Schools. GAP Action at School is an environmental programme that helps schools to save resources and money. The year long programme is curriculum linked and helps schools to tackle waste or energy over the school year. The process is quite unique and involves the formation of an Action Team that includes students, teachers, school managers, caretaking staff and boards of management. The Action Team is trained and helped to measure the school’s environmental impact, set improvement targets, communicate effectively and build partnerships with local community organisations. The students are encouraged to come up with imaginative solutions and lead the way in implementing them, gaining skills in decision-making and project management. To date GAP Action at School Projects have been delivered to five Primary Schools and three Secondary Schools in the County.