south dublin county council crest


Monday, April 12, 2010


MOTION: Councillor J. Lahart

That this Council expresses its regret and disappointment at the manner in which both M50 Concessions and the NRA have treated residents along the M50 motorway upgrade section in Knocklyon.


The Phase 2 M50 Upgrade Scheme is a PPP Scheme (similar to Design & Build) being implemented by the National Roads Authority (NRA) Fingal, SDCC & DLRCC Areas. To ensure that these major works were undertaken in a proper and orderly manner the NRA engaged the services of Roughan O’Donovan Consulting Engineers (RO’D) to monitor &  supervise the activities of M50 Concessions Ltd’s (M50CL) Contractor. The NRA also arranged for SDCC to have an experienced senior engineer (who was SDCC’s Project Engineer for the M50 Phase 1) to act as a Liaison Engineer for the Phase 2 Section.

The Upgrade Works in the vicinity of the Knocklyon/Firhouse Junction consisted of  design and construction of an additional (third) traffic lane on both northbound and southbound carriageways as well as major reconstruction of the Junction itself whereby new bridges would be constructed to provide six traffic lanes and footpaths over the Motorway instead of the original two-lane layout.

Prior to works commencing M50CL were requested by the Liaison Engineer to prepare an Information Leaflet with schematic drawing of the Upgrade Scheme with traffic layout at the upgraded Junction as well as construction program, contact details, website, etc. In view of the fact that many Housing Estates in the area did not have active Residents Associations contact was made with Knocklyon Parish Community Centre and the Parish Rep agreed to include the Information Leaflet as a pull-out 2-page attachment in their Knocklyon Parish Magazine (Dec 2008 issue) with circulation to 5,000 homes in the area. A further 3,000 of the Leaflet were also provided to Knocklyon Schools, Firhouse Community Centre, shops, etc in the area. 

M50CL re-designed the web-site to provide the public with information about the Scheme and regularly updated same with information on all traffic diversions being implemented for the works as well as providing their contact details. During the early months of construction some residents contacted M50CL or the Council and their queries were addressed. Further periodic Information Leaflets were produced by M50CL and distributed to the public and uploaded to the m50 web-site. 

As major works were undertaken more residents were received by the Council, NRA and M50CL and residents liaison meetings took place between the Residents and M50CL / RO’D / Liaison Engineer. These meetings took place at either the M50CL’s Site Offices at Sandyford or on site near to residents homes and some meetings were attended by one or more Councilors for the Area. 

Queries/complaints mostly concerned the following; 

1. Noise disturbance arising from night works.

2. Traffic delays in the morning peak period

3. Removal of existing landscaping

4. Provision of noise barriers and appearance of same

5. Provision of new landscaping

6. Screening of sign gantries

7. Provision of safety barrier adjacent Orlagh.

1.         Noise Disturbance.

M50CL explained to residents that they were contractually obliged to keep two traffic lanes northbound and southbound as well as slip roads open to traffic from 06.00 to 22.00 hrs every day and so had little option but to do works at night. Following discussions between with residents and M5CL it was agreed that any noisy works would have to be completed by 11 pm latest and that laying of tarmacadam could take place after that time only if the Contractor ensured a “low noise work regime” with the Contractor notifying affected residents of night works in advance. While these arrangements worked satisfactorily for a period they did falter occasionally as new construction crews came on site so the Contractor was informed by the Liaison Engineer / RO’D that if residents continued to complain about noisy night-works RO’D’s Permission to Work at night would be refused. This latter situation did in fact occur and M50CL were instructed to perform all feasible works during the day and close on/off-ramps at 8pm even though this resulted in traffic congestion and delays. 

2.         Traffic Delays.

Given the extent of the major works to be undertaken in the area some degree of traffic disruption was inevitable. Residents in the area generally accepted this situation in the light of the major benefits that would come with the new junction layout and the M50CL indicated that all major works would be completed by the end of Feb 2010. A balance between traffic delays as against night works had to be reached as indicated above and for the last 3 months of construction shuttle type working was used during the day and ramps were closed at 8pm which resulted in some traffic delays.  

3.         Removal of Existing Landscaping.

The provisions of the M50 Upgrade Scheme Environmental Impact Statement as approved by An Bord Pleanala in 2005 was incorporated as a requirement into the Contract and accordingly the M50CL were obliged to construct the noise barriers indicated in the EIS. In order to construct the noise barriers some trees and vegetation had to be removed. Some residents complained that trees at some locations had been unnecessarily removed. The EIS requirement on the Contractor was that where existing landscaping had to be removed this must be replaced in their overall Landscaping Plan for the Scheme with a specified “low canopy mix” which included a percentage of trees. M50CL was informed by RO’D that if any landscaping / trees had been removed unnecessarily these would have to be replaced. 

4.         Provision of Noise Barriers

 During the course of liaison meetings some residents at Orlagh and Castlefield complained that the appearance on their side was not as good as on the M50. M50CL were instructed to resolve this matter and agreement was reached with the residents for that their side would have similar finish the to M50 side.

Some residents complained that noise barriers installed was either too high or too low and they were informed that the height and alignment of the barriers had been fixed in the EIS based on the noise assessment carried out by the Specialist Acoustic Consultants who had prepared the EIS and it was not open to M50CL or other Agency to change the barrier height.

Residents at Orlagh Ave wanted the existing noise barrier, which the EIS stated was to be retained, replaced with a new barrier. M50CL accordingly re-clad this barrier to improve the visual appearance as requested.  

5.         Provision of new Landscaping

M50CL were required under their Contract to prepare a Detailed Landscaping Design and submit same for approval to RO’D. In consequence of this M50CL’s Drawings were submitted to SDCC Park’s Dept for consent and following discussions on site these drawings were amended and the agreed landscaping plan is currently being carried out.  

6.         Screening of Sign Gantries

Complaints were received by the Council and NRA regarding the location and visual impact of the sign gantries and many residents requested that some gantries be relocated or tree-screening be provided to mask the visual impact. As the NRA had determined the locations of the gantry the residents were informed that the location of Advanced Direction Signage was fixed by the Dept of Transport Traffic Signs Manual which fixed the distance of signs locations relative to Junctions and Off-ramps and that these couldn’t be relocated. The NRA has however (following examination of representations) also indicated that it is agreeable, where feasible, to provide tree-screening of gantries. This planting is expected to be carried out in the near future. 

7.         Provision of Safety Barrier at Orlagh

 During residents liaison meeting residents at Orlagh requested the installation of a safety barrier adjacent to house no 27. M50CL indicated that they would consider this request but also wanted their Independent Road Safety Auditor (Scott Wilson Consulting Engineers) to give their views on the matter. The Road Safety Auditor indicated no requirement for a safety barrier at the location. However, in view of the residents concern at apparent risk, M50CL gave a commitment to the residents that a safety barrier would be provided and this is expected to be installed in the immediate future.

The NRA have confirmed that a representative of the NRA and the contractor M50 Concessions have agreed to meet with the Members prior to the May Meeting of the Rathfarnham Area Committee on the 11th May 2010.  Further notification will be issued to all Members in this regard in due course.