south dublin county council crest


Monday, April 12, 2010


QUESTION: Councillor E. Tuffy

To ask the Manager if he can make a report on the proposed Think Local 2010 initiative adopted at a recent CDB meeting, including information on the activities being organised to promote the initiative amongst residents, businesses and organisations in the County?


In January of 2010 the Economic Development Working Group of South Dublin County Development Board working on actions included in an Integrated Economic Development Strategy for South Dublin County decided to develop a project which will try to promote and sustain both economic and community vitality in South Dublin County.  This group feel that if the Community rallies around local businesses, services and community facilities in the County everyone can benefit. This County has a population of almost 250,000.   At the end of January 2010 approximately 24,500 persons were receiving Job Seeker’s Allowance in this County.  Think Local 2010 is an initiative of the South Dublin County Development Board which intends to create and development community awareness of the advantages and benefits of supporting local business and community facilities.  We hope that this initiative will help sustain existing jobs within the County and afford the general community the opportunity to be involved.

 Think Local 2010 asks you as an individual, as a business and as a community organisation to make a 10% Switch of your existing spend to local products, services and facilities in 2010 in South Dublin County.  We believe by making a 10% switch of your existing spend to products and services in South Dublin County you ensure:

In addition Studies have shown:

•         Money spent locally tends to stay locally

•         Local business contribute more to local community groups and participate more in community life

•         Demands less on our energy resources

•         Demands less on public infrastructure

•         Creates new opportunities for entrepreneurs

This project has been widely accepted as one means to sustain existing jobs in this County and support local business and community facilities.  The following organisations are working closely with the Economic Development Working Group to promote the campaign:

·        South Dublin Chamber

·        South Dublin County Council

·        South Dublin Community Forum

·        South Dublin Community Platform

·        South Dublin Enterprise Board

·        South Dublin County Childcare Committee

·        Comhairle na nóg

·        Sports Partnership

·        CPLN Area Partnership

·        Dodder Valley Partnership

The website will be live in the middle of April and it is proposed to officially launch the campaign at the end of April.   

As this is a campaign of the County Development Board the relevant member agencies listed above will be involved in the promotion of the campaign.  Meetings have already been held and once the website is live all members registered with the organisations will be notified.  Posters, flyers etc.  will be available as will the ‘Think Local’ Logo for download.

Contact will be made with all elected members and it is hoped that they will support this project.