south dublin county council crest


Monday, April 12, 2010


QUESTION: Councillor W. Lavelle

To ask the Manager to outline this council’s plans to improve the promotion of architectural quality within the county in line with the ‘Government Policy on Architecture 2009 – 2015’, with particular reference to Actions No. 30 & 35 of the policy?


A.  The Government Policy on Architecture 2009-2015 has been developed following -

  1. The previous publication of Action on Architectures 2002-2015
  2. The legal registration and protection of the title Architect as a consumer protection measure
  3. The introduction of new Department of Finance Procurement Framework system for fixed-price consultancy services
  4. The introduction of new Department of Finance Works Contract on fixed-price basis
  5. The development of new Department of Environment guidance documents on urban planning and sustainable community growth.
  6. The establishment of the Irish Architectural Foundation.

B.  The Policy itself is based on the promotion of forty-five separate actions.  It firmly centres the development of quality in architectural design in the securing of a sustainable physical and social environment overall.  It promotes the involvement of a number of government bodies in the fostering of good Architecture such as Department of Environment, Department of Education and Science, the Office of Public Works, the Heritage Council, Arts Council and Local Authorities.

C.  The implementation of the Policy is encouraged under 5 headings -

  1. Strategy for Architecture  -  including the formulation of a Built Environment Research Committee, establishment of a materials research facility, and development of architectural-education programmes in schools.

Response:  South Dublin County Council has been involved with the Irish Architecture Foundation; Open House Programme for the last two years including children's workshops, walking tours and library events related to Architecture in the county.

2. Leading by Example - encourages growth of in-house architectural practices in Local Authorities; the development of whole-life costings of projects, the protection of historical buildings, the sustainable use and maintenance of building stock and the careful use of new procurement strategies to ensure the delivery of good quality Architecture.

Response: South Dublin County Council has a developed in-house team of Architects with a growing range of architectural, urban-design and sustainability skills deployed over a wide and expanding range of projects.  This addresses both newer types, older buildings / conservation and the development of new technologies in stock maintenance and upgrading.  The new Consultant Framework and the new Government Contract have already been used to good effect and will continue to be evaluated and improved over time.

3.  Architecture and the Wider Environment - This section promotes a broader view of sustainability including adaptive re-use and reformatting of existing building stock.  It places more importance on the use of urban design and planning to make 'Place', the physical and cultural setting for sustainable community growth.

Response: South Dublin Council is at the vanguard of Local Authorities linking planning and sustainability and has already shown the way forward with plans for Adamstown, Clonburris and Tallaght Town Centre.  Newer concerns in this area are addressed in upcoming plans for centre of Clondalkin and brownfield areas along the Naas Road.

4. Developing the Demand for Quality - This involves the active promotion of public awareness of architectural quality and heritage.  This promotion to take place from school-level to third-level institutions and the general public.

Response:  Architects Department are involved in career-fairs in schools and Institutes of Technology, Innovation Week, and organise annual seminars on particular design topics (Geothermal Conferences, Power of the Pools Conferences, among others).  The Architects Department submits annually to the RIAI Regional Awards, AAI Awards and OPUS Awards to sustain interest in the Council in these promotional activities.

5. Implementation and Reveiew - Actions under this heading will include the formation of a forum on architectural quality in state project, a Historic Buildings Committee for Local Authorities; web-based information site and liaison with City and County Manager's Association to establish Built-Environment Forum.

Response:  The Council will co-operate fully with the establishment and development of these forums as they arise. There will be additional co-ordination through the City and County Architects Association which meets bi-monthly.  South Dublin County Council embraces the Government Policy on Architecture and renews its commitment to good architectural and environmental design at every level from the individual building to the new district and town.