south dublin county council crest


Monday, April 12, 2010


MOTION: Councillor S. Crowe

This Council Committee concerned at the unprecendented amount of complaints regarding dampness and fungus spores in Council housing including new builds and recognising the potential health efffect this may be having on tenants, calls on the manager to give an updated report on this matter and outline the  measures and new reponses, if any, that this Council proposes to introduce to this growing problem


The Council is receiving a substantial number of reports from tenants of persistent problems with 'damp', largely from those in homes constructed since 2003 when insulation standards were increased.

The reported dampness, which may lead to mould growth in certain circumstances, has three major causes-

or a combination of the above  

Dwellings constructed after 2003 are constructed to higher levels of insulation, in compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations. They also have higher standards of air tightness to prevent draughts / heat loss, in compliance with Part F of the Building Regulations. The higher building standards mean that the dwellings retain more heat, and therefore more moisture in the air and there is a greater reliance on the occupant to sufficiently ventilate the dwelling to ensure that a balance is achieved between bringing in fresh air and removing stale / moisture laden air and retaining heat in the unit. While not all ‘dampness’ problems are caused by condensation, it is a significant contributor to the overall problem. The resultant growth of mould from condensation is a major concern. There are health implications for any tenant if the conditions under which mould growth occurs is extended over a prolonged period. Tenants with bronchial or asthma conditions are particularly vulnerable. It is therefore important that, whatever the causes of the condensation are, that tenants are assisted to achieve a healthy home environment.    

The recent excessively cold spell has also generated extreme temperature differences that have compounded the conditions under which condensation can be occur, to a level where widespread problems have been generated. To establish if there are any other contributing factors or other unrelated causes of dampness in dwellings, it is proposed to examine all recent complaints of dampness as follows: 

1.     Review recent reports of ‘Dampness’ or Condensation to Housing Maintenance or Architectural Services Department and assign list of properties to our Clerk of Works team to carry out a thorough investigation of all possible causes.

2.    Two members of our Clerk of Works team will visit each property and carry out a thorough examination including the following:

a.    External check on condition of roof, guttering, windows etc to ascertain any evidence of external damp penetration

b.    Temperature and humidity levels externally and internally in each room

c.     Check for adequate ventilation – windows, wall vents etc

d.    Check for evidence of cold bridging in walls, ceilings, floors, windows etc

e.    Check plumbing / heating system for leaks etc

f.      Check attic insulation, water tank, pipe work etc

g.    Examine clothes drying practices and whether dryers if installed are correctly vented

h.    Record any evidence of condensation staining, mould etc

i.       Examine any white goods for leaks and proper installation

j.      Examine adequacy of any tenant alterations – showers etc

k.     Equipment such as air temperature and humidity meters and thermal imaging cameras will be used in the inspections

l.       Details of each inspection will be recorded and sketched

Following the inspections, the individual reports will be reviewed and action taken as required. These may be any of the following:

  1. If any leaks or defects exist in the building fabric which are the responsibility of the Council, remedial work will be arranged as necessary
  2. If actions are required for which the tenant is responsible (such as blocking of vents, incorrect installation / operation of appliances etc) the tenant will be notified in writing and advised of action required

C.    Guidance will be given to tenants, in cases where condensation plays a significant role in the dampness in their home. An illustrated booklet is being prepared at present on the causes of condensation and recommendations for avoidance.

The schedule of inspections has commenced and will be completed in the coming month.